Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- e -
- e : xtd::math
- E_ABORT : xtd::h_result
- E_BOUNDS : xtd::h_result
- E_CHANGED_STATE : xtd::h_result
- E_FAIL : xtd::h_result
- E_FILENOTFOUND : xtd::h_result
- E_HANDLE : xtd::h_result
- E_INVALIDARG : xtd::h_result
- e_mail_symbol : xtd::forms::emoticons
- E_NOTIMPL : xtd::h_result
- E_POINTER : xtd::h_result
- E_UNEXPECTED : xtd::h_result
- eagle : xtd::forms::emoticons
- ear : xtd::forms::emoticons
- ear_of_maize : xtd::forms::emoticons
- ear_of_rice : xtd::forms::emoticons
- earth_globe_americas : xtd::forms::emoticons
- earth_globe_asia_australia : xtd::forms::emoticons
- earth_globe_europe_africa : xtd::forms::emoticons
- egg : xtd::forms::emoticons
- eight_pointed_black_star : xtd::forms::emoticons
- eight_spoked_asterisk : xtd::forms::emoticons
- eject_symbol : xtd::forms::emoticons
- elapsed : xtd::timers::timer
- electric_light_bulb : xtd::forms::emoticons
- electric_plug : xtd::forms::emoticons
- electric_torch : xtd::forms::emoticons
- elephant : xtd::forms::emoticons
- elf : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_component_bald : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_component_curly_hair : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_component_red_hair : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_component_white_hair : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_modifier_fitzpatrick_type_1_2 : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_modifier_fitzpatrick_type_3 : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_modifier_fitzpatrick_type_4 : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_modifier_fitzpatrick_type_5 : xtd::forms::emoticons
- emoji_modifier_fitzpatrick_type_6 : xtd::forms::emoticons
- empty : xtd::drawing::bitmap, xtd::drawing::color, xtd::drawing::image, xtd::drawing::point, xtd::drawing::point_f, xtd::drawing::rectangle, xtd::drawing::rectangle_f, xtd::drawing::size, xtd::drawing::size_f, xtd::event_args, xtd::forms::image_list, xtd::forms::list_control::item, xtd::forms::padding, xtd::forms::style_sheets::background_image, xtd::forms::style_sheets::border_color, xtd::forms::style_sheets::border_radius, xtd::forms::style_sheets::border_style, xtd::forms::style_sheets::length, xtd::forms::style_sheets::lengths, xtd::forms::style_sheets::shadow, xtd::forms::style_sheets::style_sheet, xtd::guid, xtd::io::directory_info, xtd::io::drive_info, xtd::io::file_info
- empty_read_only_span : xtd::read_only_span< type_t, extent >
- empty_span : xtd::span< type_t, extent >
- empty_string : xtd::basic_string< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >
- enabled_changed : xtd::forms::control
- end : xtd::forms::selection_range
- end_with_leftwards_arrow_above : xtd::forms::emoticons
- endianness : xtd::bit_converter
- enter_thread_modal : xtd::forms::application
- envelope : xtd::forms::emoticons
- envelope_with_downwards_arrow_above : xtd::forms::emoticons
- eof : xtd::io::stream
- epsilon : xtd::box_floating_point< type_t >, xtd::math
- error : xtd::console
- error_data_received : xtd::diagnostics::process
- ERROR_DISK_CORRUPT : xtd::h_result
- ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED : xtd::h_result
- ERROR_FILE_INVALID : xtd::h_result
- ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION : xtd::h_result
- ERROR_MRM_MAP_NOT_FOUND : xtd::h_result
- ERROR_OPEN_FAILED : xtd::h_result
- ERROR_TIMEOUT : xtd::h_result
- ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES : xtd::h_result
- european_castle : xtd::forms::emoticons
- european_post_office : xtd::forms::emoticons
- events : xtd::forms::enable_debug
- evergreen_tree : xtd::forms::emoticons
- exclamation_question_mark : xtd::forms::emoticons
- exited : xtd::diagnostics::process
- expand_edge : xtd::drawing::imaging::effects::blur_effect
- expanded_changed : xtd::forms::collapsible_panel
- expressionless_face : xtd::forms::emoticons
- extraction_color : xtd::drawing::imaging::effects::color_extraction_effect
- extraterrestrial_alien : xtd::forms::emoticons
- eye : xtd::forms::emoticons
- eyeglasses : xtd::forms::emoticons
- eyes : xtd::forms::emoticons