▼﹡ libraries | The xtd libraries |
xtd.core | The xtd.core library contains all fundamental classes to access Hardware, Os, System, and more |
xtd.drawing | The xtd.drawing library provides access to GDI+ basic graphics functionality |
xtd.forms | The xtd.forms library contains classes for creating Windows-based applications that take full advantage of the rich user interface features available in the Microsoft Windows operating system, Apple macOS and Linux like Ubuntu operating system |
xtd.tunit | The xtd.tunit library contains components needed for unit testing |
debug | All needed for debugging and tracing |
delegates | Contains delegates definitions |
▼drawing | All needed for drawing something |
brushes | Represents brushes used to fill the interiors of graphical shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths |
colors | Contains colors definitions |
coordinates | Containes coordinates definitions |
effects | Contains image effets definitions |
fonts | Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes. This class cannot be inherited |
helpers | Contains object helpers |
images | Contains images definitions |
pens | Contains pens definitions |
texts | Contains texts definitions |
events | Events are event args and event handler needed to response to window messages |
exceptions | Contains exceptions definitions |
format and parse | All needed for formating or parsing object |
▼forms | All needed for GUI application |
application | Containes application definitions |
components | Components are objects that an application uses in conjunction with another window |
containers | Containers are container for other controls |
controls | Controls are children windows that an application uses in conjunction with another window to enable interaction with the user |
dialogs | Dalogs consist of the open file, save file, open folder, find and replace, print, page setup, font, color dialog boxes, about, busy, message dialog boxes, .. |
forms | Contains forms definitions |
menus and toolbars | Contains menus and toolbars definitions |
renderers | Contains control renderers definitions |
interfaces | Contains interfaces definitions |
keywords | Keywords are predefined, reserved identifiers that have special meanings to the compiler |
literals | Literals can be used to produce integer, float, character, duration and string types |
style sheets | Contains various properties, states, and subcontrols that make it possible to customize the look of control |
▼system | Contains system classes |
▼collections | Contains collections definitions |
▼generic | Contains generic collections definitions |
extensions | Contain generic collections and interfaces extensions |
helpers | Contains generic collections helpers definitions |
object model | Contains object model collections definitions |
specialized | Contains specialized collections definitions |
configuration | Contains configuration definitions |
diagnostics | Contains diagnostics definitions |
extensions | Contains interfaces extensions |
helpers | Contains object helpers |
io | Contains io definitions |
linq | Contains linq definitions |
media | Contains media definitions |
network | Contains network definitions |
security | Contains the underlying structure of the security system, including base classes for permissions |
strings | Contains mutable and immutable texts as a sequence of UTF-8, UTF-16 and TD-32 code units |
synthesis | Contains classes for initializing and configuring a speech synthesis engine, for creating prompts, for generating speech, for responding to events, and for modifying voice characteristics |
text | Contains text definitions |
▼threading | Contains threading definitions |
tasks | Contains tasks definitions |
timers | Contains timers definitions |
web | Contains web definitions |
system information | System information contains classes that provides informations about the current system environment |
translate | Contains translator definitions |
types | Contains types definitions |
▼unit tests | Contains unit tests definitions |
assertions | Contains assertions definitions |
assumptions | Contains assumptions definitions |
validations | Contains validations definitions |