Contains interfaces definitions.
Classes | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::equality_comparer< type_t > |
Provides a base class for implementations of the xtd::collections::generic::iequality_comparer <type_t> generic interface. More... | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::icollection< type_t > |
Defines methods to manipulate generic collections. More... | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::icomparer< type_t > |
Exposes a method that compares two objects. More... | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::idictionary< key_t, value_t > |
Represents a generic collection of key/value pairs. More... | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable< type_t > |
Exposes the enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a collection of a specified type. More... | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::ienumerator< type_t > |
Supports a simple iteration over a generic collection. More... | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::iequality_comparer< type_t > |
Defines methods to support the comparison of objects for equality. More... | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::ilist< type_t > |
Represents a collection of objects that can be individually accessed by index. More... | |
class | xtd::collections::generic::iset< type_t > |
Provides the base interface for the abstraction of sets. More... | |
class | xtd::iasync_result |
Represents the status of an asynchronous operation. More... | |
class | xtd::iclonable |
Supports cloning, which creates a new instance of a class with the same value as an existing instance. More... | |
class | xtd::icomparable< type_t > |
Defines a generalized comparison method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific comparison method. More... | |
class | xtd::iequatable< type_t > |
Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for determining equality of instances. More... | |
class | xtd::iformatable |
Provides functionality to format the value of an object into a string representation. More... | |
class | xtd::ihashable |
Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for determining equality of instances. More... | |
class | xtd::iobservable< type_t > |
Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications. More... | |
class | xtd::iobserver< type_t > |
Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications. More... | |
class | xtd::iprogress< type_t > |
Defines a provider for progress updates. More... | |
class | xtd::istringable |
Provides a way to represent the current object as a string. More... | |
class | xtd::isynchronize_invoke |
Provides a way to synchronously or asynchronously execute a delegate. More... | |
class | xtd::forms::ibutton_control |
Allows a control to act like a button on a form. More... | |
class | xtd::forms::icontrol_trace |
Allow a control to be called by control_trace_listener for writing debug or trace message. More... | |
class | xtd::forms::imessage_filter |
Defines a message filter interface. More... | |
class | xtd::forms::iwin32_window |
Provides an interface to expose Win32 HWND handles. More... | |
class | xtd::forms::style_sheets::ibox_model |
The box model allows you to specify the margin, borders, padding, background color, width and height of a box. More... | |
class | xtd::forms::style_sheets::iimage_model |
The image model allows you to specify the alignment of an image. More... | |
class | xtd::forms::style_sheets::itext_model |
The text model allows you to specify the alignment, color, decoration, transformation, and font of a text. More... | |