using | value_type = typename xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable< xtd::collections::generic::key_value_pair< key_t, value_t > >::value_type |
| Represents the xtd::collections::generic::icollection value type.
using | iterator = typename xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable< xtd::collections::generic::key_value_pair< key_t, value_t > >::iterator |
| Represents the iterator of xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable value type.
using | const_iterator = typename xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable< xtd::collections::generic::key_value_pair< key_t, value_t > >::const_iterator |
| Represents the const iterator of xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable value type.
using | value_type = type_t |
| Represents the xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable value type.
using | iterator = typename xtd::collections::generic::extensions::enumerable_iterators< type_t, xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable< type_t > >::iterator |
| Represents the iterator of xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable value type.
using | const_iterator = typename xtd::collections::generic::extensions::enumerable_iterators< type_t, xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable< type_t > >::const_iterator |
| Represents the const iterator of xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable value type.
using | iterator = enumerable_iterator |
| Represents the iterator of enumarable value type.
using | const_iterator = const enumerable_iterator |
| Represents the const iterator of enumarable value type.
using | enumerable_type = ienumerable< type_t > |
| Represents the ienumerable enumerable type.
using | source_type = type_t |
| Represents the ienumerable source type.
using | ienumerable = typename xtd::linq::enumerable::ienumerable< type_t > |
| Represents the ienumerable value type.
using | list = typename xtd::linq::enumerable::list< type_t > |
| Represents the list value type.
virtual xtd::size | count () const noexcept=0 |
| Gets the number of elements contained in the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t>.
virtual bool | is_read_only () const noexcept=0 |
| Gets a value indicating whether the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t> is read-only.
virtual bool | is_synchronized () const noexcept=0 |
| Gets a value indicating whether access to the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t> is synchronized (thread safe).
virtual const xtd::object & | sync_root () const noexcept=0 |
| Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t>.
virtual void | add (const xtd::collections::generic::key_value_pair< key_t, value_t > &item)=0 |
| Adds an item to the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t>.
virtual void | clear ()=0 |
| Removes all items from the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t>.
virtual bool | contains (const xtd::collections::generic::key_value_pair< key_t, value_t > &item) const noexcept=0 |
| Determines whether the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t> contains a specific value.
virtual void | copy_to (xtd::array< xtd::collections::generic::key_value_pair< key_t, value_t > > &array, xtd::size array_index) const=0 |
| Copies the elements of the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t> to an xtd::array, starting at a particular xtd::array index.
virtual bool | remove (const xtd::collections::generic::key_value_pair< key_t, value_t > &item)=0 |
| Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t>.
virtual xtd::collections::generic::enumerator< type_t > | get_enumerator () const =0 |
| Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
virtual const_iterator | begin () const |
| Returns an iterator to the first element of the enumarable.
virtual iterator | begin () |
| Returns an iterator to the first element of the enumarable.
virtual const_iterator | cbegin () const |
| Returns an iterator to the first element of the enumarable.
virtual const_iterator | cend () const |
| Returns an iterator to the element following the last element of the enumarable.
virtual const_iterator | end () const |
| Returns an iterator to the element following the last element of the enumarable.
virtual iterator | end () |
| Returns an iterator to the element following the last element of the enumarable.
type_t | aggregate (const std::function< type_t(const type_t &, const type_t &)> &func) const |
| Applies an accumulator function over a sequence.
type_t | aggregate (const type_t &seed, const std::function< type_t(const type_t &, const type_t &)> &func) const |
| Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value.
accumulate_t | aggregate (const accumulate_t &seed, const std::function< accumulate_t(const type_t &, const accumulate_t &)> &func) const |
| Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value.
type_t | aggregate (const type_t &seed, const std::function< type_t(const type_t &, const type_t &)> &func, const std::function< type_t(const type_t &)> &result_selector) const |
| Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value, and the specified function is used to select the result value.
result_t | aggregate (const accumulate_t &seed, const std::function< accumulate_t(const type_t &, const accumulate_t &)> &func, const std::function< result_t(const accumulate_t &)> &result_selector) const |
| Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value, and the specified function is used to select the result value.
bool | all (const std::function< bool(const type_t &)> &predicate) const |
| Determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition.
bool | any () const noexcept |
| Determines whether a sequence contains any elements.
bool | any (const std::function< bool(const type_t &)> &predicate) const |
| Determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | append (const type_t &element) const noexcept |
| Appends a value to the end of the sequence.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | as_enumerable () const noexcept |
| Returns the input typed as xtd::collection::generic::ienumerable <type_t>.
auto | average () const noexcept |
| Computes the average of a sequence of source_t values.
const ienumerable< result_t > & | cast () const noexcept |
| Casts the elements of an xtd::collection::generic::ienumerable to the specified type.
const ienumerable< xtd::array< type_t > > & | chunk (size_t size) const |
| Splits the elements of a sequence into chunks of size at most size.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | concat (const ienumerable< type_t > &second) const noexcept |
| Concatenates two sequences.
bool | contains (const type_t &value) const noexcept |
| Determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using the default equality comparer.
bool | contains (const type_t &value, const xtd::collections::generic::iequality_comparer< type_t > &comparer) const noexcept |
| Determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using a specified equality comparer.
size_t | count () const noexcept |
| Returns the number of elements in current sequence.
size_t | count (const std::function< bool(const type_t &)> &predicate) const noexcept |
| Returns a number that represents how many elements in the specified sequence satisfy a condition.
const ienumerable< key_value_pair< key_t, xtd::size > > & | count_by (const std::function< key_t(const type_t &)> &key_selector) const noexcept |
| Returns the count of elements in the current sequence grouped by key.
const ienumerable< key_value_pair< key_t, xtd::size > > & | count_by (const std::function< key_t(const type_t &)> &key_selector, const iequality_comparer< key_t > &key_comparer) const noexcept |
| Returns the count of elements in the current sequence grouped by key.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | default_if_empty () const noexcept |
| Returns the elements of the specified sequence or the type parameter's default value in a singleton collection if the current sequence is empty.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | default_if_empty (const type_t &default_value) const noexcept |
| Returns the elements of the specified sequence or the specified value in a singleton collection if the current sequence is empty.
type_t | first_or_default (const std::function< bool(const type_t &)> &predicate, const type_t &default_value) const noexcept |
| Returns the first element of the sequence that satisfies a condition, or a specified default value if no such element is found.
type_t | first_or_default (const std::function< bool(const type_t &)> &predicate) const noexcept |
| Returns the first element of the sequence that satisfies a condition or a default value if no such element is found.
type_t | first_or_default (const type_t default_value) const noexcept |
| Returns the first element of the sequence that satisfies a condition or a default value if no such element is found.
type_t | first_or_default () const noexcept |
| Returns the first element of the sequence that satisfies a condition or a default value if no such element is found.
const ienumerable< result_t > & | select (const std::function< result_t(const type_t &)> &selector) const |
| Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | select (const std::function< type_t(const type_t &)> &selector) const |
| Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.
const ienumerable< result_t > & | select (const std::function< result_t(const type_t &, size_t index)> &selector) const |
| Projects each element of a sequence into a new form by incorporating the element's index.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | select (const std::function< type_t(const type_t &, size_t index)> &selector) const |
| Projects each element of a sequence into a new form by incorporating the element's index.
const list< type_t > & | to_list () const noexcept |
| Creates a xtd::collections::generic::list <type_t> from an xtd::collections::generic::ienumerable <type_t>.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | where (const std::function< bool(const type_t &)> &predicate) const |
| Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
const ienumerable< type_t > & | where (const std::function< bool(const type_t &, size_t)> &predicate) const |
| Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate. Each element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function.
virtual collection_t & | operator<< (const type_t &item) |
| The shift left operator adds an item to the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t>.
virtual collection_t & | operator>> (const type_t &item) |
| The shift right operator removes tthe first occurrence of a specific object from the xtd::collections::generic::icollection <type_t>.
static target_collection_t::const_iterator | to_iterator (typename source_collection_t::const_iterator &value, const source_collection_t &source_collection, const target_collection_t &target_collection) noexcept |
| Converts source iterator to target iterator.
static target_collection_t::iterator | to_iterator (typename source_collection_t::iterator &value, const source_collection_t &source_collection, const target_collection_t &target_collection) noexcept |
| Converts source iterator to target iterator.
static target_collection_t::const_iterator | to_iterator (typename source_collection_t::const_iterator &value, source_collection_t &source_collection, target_collection_t &target_collection) noexcept |
| Converts source iterator to target iterator.
static target_collection_t::iterator | to_iterator (typename source_collection_t::iterator &value, source_collection_t &source_collection, target_collection_t &target_collection) noexcept |
| Converts source iterator to target iterator.