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Console classes

As mentioned in introduction xtd.forms is a part of xtd.

xtd and xtd.forms consist of a large group of helper classes that help programmers to do their job. These include classes for working with strings, files, streams, console, unit testing, or network. Here we will show only a tiny drop of the whole lake.

xtd.core library can be used to create console applications. In this chapter, we will illustrate some of the helper classes in console based applications.


This is a simple console application. The application puts some text into the console window.


#include <xtd/xtd.core>

auto main(int argc, char* argv[])->int {
xtd::console::write_line("A xtd console application");
A xtd console application

This is the output.


The application puts some formatted texts into the console window.

#include <xtd/xtd.core>

auto main(int argc, char* argv[])->int {
auto number = 1024;

xtd::console::write_line("number '{}' :", number);
xtd::console::write_line(" binary 0b{:B16}", number);
xtd::console::write_line(" octal \\{:O}", number);
xtd::console::write_line(" decimal {:D}", number);
xtd::console::write_line(" hexa 0x{:X4}", number);
number '1024' :
binary 0b0000010000000000
octal \2000
decimal 1024
hexa 0x0400

This is the output


#include <xtd/xtd.core>

using namespace std::literals;

auto main(int argc, char* argv[])->int {
auto str1 = xtd::environment::os_version().desktop_environment();
auto str2 = "desktop"s;
auto str3 = "environment"s;

xtd::console::write_line(xtd::strings::join(" ", {str1, str2, str3}));


#include <xtd/xtd.core>

using namespace std::literals;

auto main(int argc, char* argv[])->int {
auto str1 = xtd::environment::os_version().desktop_environment();
auto str2 = "desktop"s;
auto str3 = "environment"s;

xtd::console::write_line(xtd::strings::join(" ", {str1, str2, str3}));

See also

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