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Download, install and uninstall

Download the latest stable xtd version

You can download latest stable version on SourceForge.


See release notes to know the latest xtd version.

Clone the latest xtd commit

Or clone latest development version on GitHub.

git clone

Libraries dependency

xtd is currently in development mode and the only xtd.forms.native.wxwidgets backend is supported.

wxWidgets will be automatically installed with xtd.

In the future xtd.forms will use xtd.forms.native.win32 on Windows, xtd.forms.native.cocoa on macOS and xtd.forms.native.gtk4 on linux. Other backend like xtd.forms.native.qt5 will be ported too.


Windows 10 or later

  1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Community or later

    In order to build xtd, you first need download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 community from

  2. Install CMake 3.20 or later

    After Microsoft Visual Studio, you need to install the latest version cmake from

    Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'cmake --version' in "Command Prompt", if it's no, add cmake install directory to your path.

⚠️ The "Command prompt" must be open in ADMINISTRATOR MODE.

  1. After installing Microsoft Visual Studio and CMake, do the following in "Command Prompt" to build and install xtd :
cd xtd_path_name
  1. Create as many applications as you want with xtd.

macOS 10.15 or later

  1. Install Xcode 11.6 or later

    In order to build xtd, you first need download and install Xcode from App Store and install "Commands line tools".

    Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'clang --version' in "Terminal".

  2. Install Homebrew

    After Xcode, to build xtd, you need to install package manager Homebrew.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. After installing Xcode and Homebrew, do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install xtd :
cd xtd_path_name
  1. Create as many applications as you want with xtd.

Linux distribution fully supported by xtd install

The following list contains the Linux distributions fully supported by the xtd installation:

  1. Do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install xtd :
cd xtd_path_name

Remarks : Do not launch ./install with sudo or as su.

  1. Create as many applications as you want with xtd.

Other linux distribution

  1. Install g++ 9 or later

    In order to build , you first need download and install g++ 9 or later.

    Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'g++ --version' in "Terminal".

  2. Install gsound

    After g++, you need to install the gsound.

  3. Install gtk3

    After gsound, you need to install the gtk3.

  4. Install CMake 3.20 or later

    After g++, gsound and gtk3, you need to install the latest version cmake from

    Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'cmake --version' in "Terminal", if it's no, add cmake install directory to your path.

  5. After installing g++, gsound, gtk3 and CMake, do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install xtd :

cd xtd_path_name

Remarks : Do not launch ./install with sudo or as su.

  1. Create as many applications as you want with xtd.

Build and run your first xtd application

Use internal tools installed with xtd.

xtdc-gui (gui)

Let the gui tool drive you for create your new project.

  • First step choose "Create a new project" button.
  • Choose your project template then click to "Next" button
  • Choose the name for your new project and the path where the project will be create, and finally click "Create button" to create it.


xtdc (console)

Create your new project with a simple command line tools.

For example, you can type :

xtdc new gui hello_world
cd hello_world
xtdc open

"xtdc" command line tool for creating hello_world gui application, generate Visual Studio solution if you running it on Windows, Xcode project if you are on macOS or Code::Blocks project if you are on Linux. If you are on Windows, Visual Studio will be running with your new project. If you are on macOS, Xcode will be running with your new project. If you are on Linux, Code::Blocks will be running with your project.


See xtdc-gui for more info.

See xtdc for more info.


Since the version 0.2.0 you can easily uninstall xtd with one command.


  • Do the following in "Command Prompt" to uninstall xtd :
cd xtd_path_name

macOS or linux

  • Do the following in "Terminal" to uninstall xtd :
cd xtd_path_name







