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Investigations to speed up the build of xtd (Internal use only)

Multiple process build flags


Visuall Studio has a "/MP" flag that allows you to run builds in parallel on different processes.

A new option XTD_SET_COMPILER_OPTION_BUILD_ON_MULTIPLE_PROCESSES is added in xtd and number of precessorrs are dettected by CMake and addded to MSVC comile flags.


Currently, the flag is doing the job, but in full build, Windows freeze completely ...

We contunue the investigation for more information. (Bader)


Xcode build in multi processes natively.

Remarks : For command line tools see Linux

The build seems optimized. (Gammasof)


  • To build multi porcess add specific flag "-j N" to make command (N : number of precesses).
  • To build multi porcess add specific flag "-- -j N" to cmake command (N : number of precesses).
  • Generally we can use "nproc" command to know the number roof proocessosrs.

example make

make -j 8

or with nproc

make -j $(naproc)

example cmake

cmake -- -j 8

or with nproc

cmake-- -j $(naproc)


The build seems optimized. (Gammasof)


Cotire (compile time reducer) is a CMake module that speeds up the build process of CMake based build

We investigate to add cotire to build of xtd.

xtd install script

  • git clone wxWidgets
  • build and install wxWidgets in Debug and Release.
  • build and install xtd (without unit tests) in Debug and Release.

Time to install xtd on linux Unbuntu (4 cores and 8 Gb memory)

real    34m30,458s
user 109m8,613s
sys 8m32,720s

Time to install xtd on linux Unbuntu (4 cores and 8 Gb memory) with cotire

real    34m52,459s
user 102m18,172s
sys 9m31,467s

Exactly the same time for both builds. We can see the log lines of the cotire and that it is doing its job... but it doesn't speed up the time.


The result is not convincing.

We stop the investigation (Gammasoft)