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Add new control (Internal use only)

This procedure describes how to add a new control.

For the example we create the control light_button.



  1. Add new class native API : light_button.h
  2. Update the file xtd.forms.native.h and add new file created light_button.h.
  3. Update the file CMakeLists.txt and add new file created light_button.h.


  1. Add new wxwidgestt helper class : wx_light_button.h
  2. Add new native source file : light_button.cpp
  3. Update the file CMakeLists.txt and add new files created wx_light_button.h and light_button.cpp.
  4. Update control.cpp :
  • Add wx_light_button include file.
  • add in control::crrate method the following line :
    if (create_params.class_name() == "lightbutton") return set_control_extra_options(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(new wx_light_button(create_params)));


  1. Add new class header file : light_button.h
  2. Add new class source file : light_button.h
  3. Update the file xtd.forms.h and add new file created light_button.h.

As all methods of xtd::form::native::light_button are protected , if you need access to its methos, verify that xtd::forms::light_button class is friend of xtd::forms::native::light_button class. As all methods of xtd::form::native::control are protected, verify that xtd::forms::light_button class is friend of xtd::forms::native::control class.


Create un simple test to verify the chain is correct.


Add the specific implemntation for the new control...


Add Doxygen documentation for API.


Add an example of basic usage.