How to: Write Text to a File
This topic shows different ways to write text to a file for a xtd app.
The following classes and methods are typically used to write text to a file:
- xtd::io::stream_writer contains methods to write to a file (write and write_line).
- xtd::io::file provides static methods to write text to a file, such as write_all_lines and write_all_text, or to append text to a file, such as append_all_jines, append_all_text, and append_text.
- xtd::io::path is for strings that have file or directory path information. It contains the combine method and, the join and try_join methods, which allow concatenation of strings to build a file or directory path.
The following examples show only the minimum amount of code needed. A real-world app usually provides more robust error checking and exception handling.
Example: Write text with stream_writer
The following example shows how to use the xtd::io::stream_writer class to write text to a new file one line at a time. Because the xtd::io::stream_writer object is declared and instantiated in a using statement, the destructor automatically flushes and closes the stream.
#include <xtd/xtd>
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::io;
class program {
static auto main() {
// Create a string array with the lines of text
std::vector<string> lines = {"First line", "Second line", "Third line"};
// Set a variable to the Documents path.
string doc_path = environment::get_folder_path(environment::special_folder::my_documents);
// Write the string array to a new file named "write_lines.txt".
using_ (stream_writer output_file(path::combine(doc_path, "write_lines.txt"))) {
for (const string& line : lines)
// The example creates a file named "write_lines.txt" with the following contents:
// First line
// Second line
// Third line
Example: Append text with stream_writer
The following example shows how to use the xtd::io::stream_writer class to append text to the text file created in the first example.
#include <xtd/xtd>
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::io;
class program {
static auto main() {
// Set a variable to the Documents path.
string doc_path = environment::get_folder_path(environment::special_folder::my_documents);
// Append text to an existing file named "write_lines.txt".
using_ (stream_writer output_file(path::combine(doc_path, "write_lines.txt"), true)) {
output_file.write_line("Fourth Line");
// The example adds the following line to the contents of "write_lines.txt":
// Fourth Line
Example: Write and append text with the file class
The following example shows how to write text to a new file and append new lines of text to the same file using the xtd::io::file class. The xtd::io::file::write_all_text and xtd::io::file::append_all_lines methods open and close the file automatically. If the path you provide to the xtd::io::file::write_all_text method already exists, the file is overwritten.
#include <xtd/xtd>
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::io;
class program {
static auto main() {
// Create a string with a line of text.
string text = "First line" + environment::new_line();
// Set a variable to the Documents path.
string doc_path = environment::get_folder_path(environment::special_folder::my_documents);
// Write the text to a new file named "write_file.txt".
file::write_all_text(path::combine(doc_path, "write_file.txt"), text);
// Create a string array with the additional lines of text
std::vector<string> lines = { "New line 1", "New line 2" };
// Append new lines of text to the file
file::append_all_lines(path::combine(doc_path, "write_file.txt"), lines);
// The example creates a file named "write_file.txt" with the contents:
// First line
// And then appends the following contents:
// New line 1
// New line 2