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Release Note

0.1.0 (beta) October 10, 2021

  • added xtd - CMake commands - Specific CMake commands to manage project, assembly informations and application properties
  • added xtd - continuous integration build - Continuous integration build for Windows, MacOS and linux (appveyor, CircleCI and travisCI).
  • added xtd - documentation - Markdown documentation.
  • added xtd - installation - Install scripts for Windows, macOS and linux.
  • added xtd - project - SourceForge project.
  • added xtd - reference guide - Online and offline user and developer guide.
  • added xtd - website -
  • added xtd.core - action - Represents a xtd::delegate that has variable parameters and does not return a value.
  • added xtd.core - argument_exception - The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.
  • added xtd.core - argument_null_exception - The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is null.
  • added xtd.core - argument_out_of_range_exception - The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is out of range.
  • added xtd.core - arithmetic_exception - The exception that is thrown for errors in an arithmetic, casting, or conversion operation.
  • added xtd.core - as - Casts a type into another type.
  • added xtd.core - async_callback - References a method to be called when a corresponding asynchronous operation completes.
  • added xtd.core - background_color - Sets the background color of the console.
  • added xtd.core - beep - Represent beep output manipulator class.
  • added xtd.core - bit_converter - Converts base data types to an std::vector of bytes, and an std::vector of bytes to base data types.
  • added xtd.core - block_scope - The specified expression is cleared automatically when the scope is ended.
  • added xtd.core - cdebug - Provides an std::ostream for xtd::diagnostics::debug.
  • added xtd.core - cnull - Provides a null std::ostream.
  • added xtd.core - compiler - Represents information about c++ libraries, such as the version and standard identifier.
  • added xtd.core - console - Represents the standard input, output, and error streams for console applications.
  • added xtd.core - console_key_info - Specifies the standard keys on a console.
  • added xtd.core - convert - Represents API to convert base type code.
  • added xtd.core - convert_pointer - Represents API to convert pointers.
  • added xtd.core - convert_string - Represents API to convert string containers.
  • added xtd.core - cpp_language - Represents information about c++ libraries, such as the version and language identifier.
  • added xtd.core - ctrace - Provides an std::ostream for xtd::diagnostics::trace.
  • added xtd.core - delegate - Represents a delegate, which is a data structure that refers to a static method or to a class instance && an instance method of that class.
  • added xtd.core - divide_by_zero_exception - The xtd namespace contains all fundamental classes to access Hardware, Os, System, and more.
  • added xtd.core - domain_exception - The exception that is thrown for errors in domain. That is, situations where the inputs are outside of the domain on which an operation is defined..
  • added xtd.core - environment - The environment class.
  • added xtd.core - event - Represents an event.
  • added xtd.core - foreground_color - Represent foreground color output manipulator class.
  • added xtd.core - format_exception - The exception that is thrown when the format of an argument does not meet the parameter specifications of the invoked method.
  • added xtd.core - func - Represents a delegate that has variables parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the result_t type.
  • added xtd.core - guid - Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID). A GUID is a 128-bit integer (16 bytes) that can be used across all computers and networks wherever a unique identifier is required. Such an identifier has a very low probability of being duplicated.
  • added xtd.core - index_out_of_range_exception - The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to access an element of an array with an index that is outside the bounds of the array.
  • added xtd.core - interface - Represent an interface class.
  • added xtd.core - invalid_cast_exception - The exception that is thrown for invalid casting or explicit conversion.
  • added xtd.core - invalid_operation_exception - The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state.
  • added xtd.core - invalid_program_exception - The exception that is thrown when a program contains invalid metadata. Generally this indicates a bug in the compiler that generated the program.
  • added xtd.core - is - Checks if the result of an expression is compatible with a given type.
  • added xtd.core - length_exception - The exception that is thrown when an attempts to exceed implementation defined length limits for some object.
  • added xtd.core - literals operators - Used to convert specified value into another.
  • added xtd.core - math - Provides constants and static methods for trigonometric, logarithmic, and other common mathematical functions.
  • added xtd.core - nameof - Used to obtain the simple (unqualified) string name of a variable, type, or member.
  • added xtd.core - not_finit_number_exception - The exception that is thrown when a floating-point value is positive infinity, negative infinity, or Not-a-Number (NaN).
  • added xtd.core - not_implemented_exception - The exception that is thrown when a requested method or operation is not implemented.
  • added xtd.core - not_supported_exception - The exception that is thrown when an invoked method is not supported, or when there is an attempt to read, seek, or write to a stream that does not support the invoked functionality.
  • added xtd.core - null_pointer_exception - The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to dereference a null object pointer.
  • added xtd.core - object - Supports all classes in the xtd class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes.
  • added xtd.core - object_closed_exception - The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.
  • added xtd.core - operating_system - Represents information about an operating system, such as the version and platform identifier.
  • added xtd.core - operation_canceled_exception - The exception that is thrown in a thread upon cancellation of an operation that the thread was executing.
  • added xtd.core - overflow_exception - The exception that is thrown when an arithmetic, casting, or conversion operation in a checked context results in an overflow.
  • added xtd.core - overload - Represents class that use to determine one of const and non const overloaded methods.
  • added xtd.core - parse - Convert a type into a string.
  • added xtd.core - platform_not_supported_exception - The exception that is thrown when a feature does not run on a particular platform.
  • added xtd.core - predicate - Represents a delegate that defines a set of criteria and determines whether the specified object meets those criteria.
  • added xtd.core - processor - Represents information about a processor, such as the architecture.
  • added xtd.core - random - Represents a pseudo-random number generator, a device that produces a sequence of numbers that meet certain statistical requirements for randomness.
  • added xtd.core - reset_color - Represent reset color output manipulator class.
  • added xtd.core - startup - Defines the entry point to be called when the application loads. Generally this is set either to the main form in your application or to the main procedure that should run when the application starts.
  • added xtd.core - static - Represent a static object. A static class can't be instantiated (constructors are deleted).
  • added xtd.core - system_exception - Defines the base class for predefined exceptions in the xtd namespace.
  • added xtd.core - tick - Represents a tick (1 tick = 100 nanoseconds).
  • added xtd.core - ticks - Represents a tick duration
  • added xtd.core - time_out_exception - The exception that is thrown when the time allotted for a process or operation has expired.
  • added xtd.core - to_string - Convert a specified value into a string with specified format.
  • added xtd.core - translator - Represents translator class.
  • added xtd.core - underflow_exception - The exception that is thrown when an arithmetic, casting, or conversion operation in a checked context results in an underflow.
  • added xtd.core - unused - It may be used to suppress the "unused variable" or "unused local typedefs" compiler warnings when the variable or typedef can't be removed or commented out, e.g. when some blocks of the code are conditionally activated.
  • added xtd.core - ustring - Represents text as a sequence of UTF-8 code units.
  • added xtd.core - version - Represents the version number of an assembly, operating system, or the xtd.
  • added xtd.core - xml_syntax_exception - The exception that is thrown when there is a syntax error in XML parsing
  • added xtd.core - any_pair - Implements a std::pair with the key and the value strongly typed to be std::any.
  • added xtd.core - key_not_found_exception - The exception that is thrown when the key specified for accessing an element in a collection does not match any key in the collection.
  • added xtd.core - vector_list - Represents a collection of std::any.
  • added xtd.core - string_map - Implements a std::map with the key and the value strongly typed to be strings.
  • added xtd.core - string_pair - Implements a std::pair with the key and the value strongly typed to be strings.
  • added xtd.core - string_vector - Represents a collection of strings.
  • added xtd.core - assert_dialog - Implement an assert dialog box.
  • added xtd.core - boolean_switch - Provides a simple on/off switch that controls debugging and tracing output.
  • added xtd.core - console_trace_listener - Directs tracing or debugging output to either the standard output or the standard error stream.
  • added xtd.core - debug - Provides a set of methods and properties that help you debug the execution of your code.
  • added xtd.core - debugger - Enables communication with a debugger.
  • added xtd.core - default_trace_listener - Provides the default output methods and behavior for tracing.
  • added xtd.core - ostream_trace_listener - Directs tracing or debugging output to a std::ostream, such as std::fstream, std::stream...
  • added xtd.core - process - Provides access to local and remote processes and enables you to start and stop local system processes.
  • added xtd.core - source_filter - Indicates whether a listener should trace a message based on the source of a trace.
  • added xtd.core - source_switch - Provides a multilevel switch to control tracing and debug output without recompiling your code.
  • added xtd.core - stack_frame - Provides information about a xtd::diagnostics::stack_frame, which represents a function call on the call stack for the current thread.
  • added xtd.core - stack_trace - Represents a stack trace, which is an ordered collection of one or more stack frames.
  • added xtd.core - stopwatch - Provides a set of methods and properties that you can use to accurately measure elapsed time.
  • added xtd.core - switch_base - Provides an abstract base class to create new debugging and tracing switches.
  • added xtd.core - trace - Provides a set of methods and properties that help you debug the execution of your code.
  • added xtd.core - trace_event_cache - Provides trace event data specific to a thread and a process.
  • added xtd.core - trace_filter - Provides the base class for trace filter implementations.
  • added xtd.core - trace_listener - Provides the abstract base class for the listeners who monitor trace and debug output.
  • added xtd.core - trace_listener_collection - Represents a collection of xtd::diagnostics::trace_listener.
  • added xtd.core - trace_source - Provides a set of methods and properties that enable applications to trace the execution of code and associate trace messages with their source.
  • added xtd.core - trace_switch - Provides a multilevel switch to control tracing and debug output without recompiling your code.
  • added xtd.core - directory_not_found_exception - The exception that is thrown when part of a file or directory cannot be found.
  • added xtd.core - drive_not_found_exception - The exception that is thrown when trying to access a drive or share that is not available.
  • added xtd.core - end_of_stream_exception - The exception that is thrown when reading is attempted past the end of a stream.
  • added xtd.core - file - Provides static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files, and aids in the creation of std::fstream objects.
  • added xtd.core - file_format_exception - The exception that is thrown when the format of an argument does not meet the parameter specifications of the invoked method.
  • added xtd.core - file_load_exception - The exception that is thrown when a managed assembly is found but cannot be loaded.
  • added xtd.core - file_not_found_exception - The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access a file that does not exist on disk fails.
  • added xtd.core - io_exception - The exception that is thrown when an I/O error occurs.
  • added xtd.core - path - Performs operations on std::basic_string instances that contain file or directory path information. These operations are performed in a cross-platform manner.
  • added xtd.core - path_too_long_exception - The exception that is thrown when a path or file name is longer than the system-defined maximum length.
  • added xtd.core - stream_reader - Implements a xtd::io::text_reader that reads characters from a byte stream.
  • added xtd.core - stream_writer - Implements a xtd::io::text_writer for writing characters to a stream.
  • added xtd.core - string_reader - Implements a xtd::io::text_reader that reads from a string.
  • added xtd.core - string_writer - Implements a xtd::io::text_writer for writing characters to a string.
  • added xtd.core - text_reader - Represents a reader that can read a sequential series of characters.
  • added xtd.core - text_writer - Represents a writer that can write a sequential series of characters.
  • added xtd.core - system_sound - Represents a system sound type.
  • added xtd.core - system_sounds - Retrieves sounds associated with a set of Windows operating system sound-event types.
  • added xtd.core - cookie_exception - The exception that is thrown when an error is made adding a xtd::net::cookie to a xtd::net::cookie_container.
  • added xtd.core - dns - Provides simple domain name resolution functionality.
  • added xtd.core - dns_end_point - Represents a network endpoint as a host name or a string representation of an IP address and a port number.
  • added xtd.core - end_point - Identifies a network address.
  • added xtd.core - ip_address - Provides an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
  • added xtd.core - ip_end_point - Represents a network endpoint as an IP address and a port number.
  • added xtd.core - ip_host_entry - Provides a container class for Internet host address information.
  • added xtd.core - network_credential - Provides credentials for password-based authentication schemes such as basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos authentication.
  • added xtd.core - protocol_violation_exception - The exception that is thrown when an error is made adding a xtd::net::cookie to a xtd::net::cookie_container.
  • added xtd.core - socket_address - Stores serialized information from end_point derived classes.
  • added xtd.core - web_exception - The exception that is thrown when an error is made adding a xtd::net::cookie to a xtd::net::cookie_container.
  • added xtd.core - ip_packet_information - Gets the network interface information that is associated with a call to xtd::net::sockets::socket::receive_message_from or xtd::net::sockets::socket::end_receive_message_from.
  • added xtd.core - ip_v6_multicast_option - Contains option values for joining an IPv6 multicast group.
  • added xtd.core - linger_option - Specifies whether a xtd::net::sockets::socket will remain connected after a call to the xtd::net::sockets::socket::close or xtd::net::sockets::tcp_client::close methods and the length of time it will remain connected, if data remains to be sent.
  • added xtd.core - multicast_option - Contains IPAddress values used to join and drop multicast groups.
  • added xtd.core - network_stream - Provides the underlying stream of data for network access.
  • added xtd.core - send_packet_element - Represents an element in a xtd::net::sockets::send_packets_element array.
  • added xtd.core - socket - Implements the Berkeley sockets interface.
  • added xtd.core - socket_exception - The exception that is thrown when a socket error occurs.
  • added xtd.core - socket_information - Encapsulates the information that is necessary to duplicate a xtd::net::sockets::socket.
  • added xtd.core - tcp_client - Provides client connections for TCP network services.
  • added xtd.core - tcp_listener - Listens for connections from TCP network clients.
  • added xtd.core - udp_client - Provides User Datagram Protocol (UDP) network services.
  • added xtd.core - secure_string - Represents text that should be kept confidential, such as by deleting it from computer memory when no longer needed.
  • added xtd.core - css_reader - Represent a css reader class.
  • added xtd.core - css_writer - Represent a css writer class.
  • added xtd.core - property - Represented a css property class.
  • added xtd.core - property_map - Represent a css property collection.
  • added xtd.core - selector - Represent a css selector class.
  • added xtd.core - selector_map - Represent a css selector collection.
  • added xtd.drawing - bitmap - Encapsulates a GDI+ bitmap, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. A bitmap is an object used to work with images defined by pixel data.
  • added xtd.drawing - brush - Defines objects used to fill the interiors of graphical shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
  • added xtd.drawing - brushes - brushes for all the standard colors.
  • added xtd.drawing - color - Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color.
  • added xtd.drawing - colors - colors for all the standard colors.
  • added xtd.drawing - font - Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes.
  • added xtd.drawing - font_family - Defines a group of type faces having a similar basic design and certain variations in styles.
  • added xtd.drawing - graphics - Defines an object used to draw lines and curves.
  • added xtd.drawing - icon - Represents a Windows icon, which is a small bitmap image that is used to represent an object. Icons can be thought of as transparent bitmaps, although their size is determined by the system.
  • added xtd.drawing - image - An abstract base class that provides functionality for the bitmap and metafile descended classes.
  • added xtd.drawing - pen - Defines an object used to draw lines and curves.
  • added xtd.drawing - pens - pens for all the standard colors.
  • added xtd.drawing - point - Represents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
  • added xtd.drawing - point_f - Represents an ordered pair of floating-point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
  • added xtd.drawing - rectangle - Stores a set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
  • added xtd.drawing - rectangle_f - Stores a set of four floating-points that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
  • added xtd.drawing - size - Stores an ordered pair of integers, which specify a height and width.
  • added xtd.drawing - size_f - Stores an ordered pair of floating-point, which specify a height and width.
  • added xtd.drawing - solid_brush - Defines a xtd::drawing::brush of a single color. Brushes are used to fill graphics shapes, such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
  • added xtd.drawing - string_format - Encapsulates text layout information (such as alignment, orientation and tab stops) display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion and national digit substitution) and OpenType features.
  • added xtd.drawing - system_brushes - Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_brushes class is a xtd::drawing::solid_brush that is the color of a Windows display element.
  • added xtd.drawing - system_colors - Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_colors class is a xtd::drawing::color structure that is the color of a Windows display element.
  • added xtd.drawing - system_fonts - Specifies the fonts used to display text in Windows display elements.
  • added xtd.drawing - system_icons - Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_icons class is an xtd::drawing::icon object for Windows system-wide icons.
  • added xtd.drawing - system_images - Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_images class is an xtd::drawing::image object for Windows system-wide images.
  • added xtd.drawing - system_pens - Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_pens class is a xtd::drawing::pen that is the color of a Windows display element and that has a width of 1 pixel.
  • added xtd.drawing - texture_brush - Each property of the xtd::drawing::texture_brush class is a xtd::drawing::brush object that uses an image to fill the interior of a shape.
  • added xtd.drawing - hatch_brush - Defines a rectangular xtd::drawing::brush with a hatch style, a foreground color, and a background color
  • added xtd.drawing - linear_gradient_brush - Encapsulates a xtd::drawing::brush with a linear gradient.
  • added xtd.drawing - color_palette - Defines an array of colors that make up a color palette. The colors are 32-bit ARGB colors.
  • added xtd.drawing - frame_dimension - Provides properties that get the frame dimensions of an image.
  • added xtd.drawing - image_format - Specifies the file format of the image
  • added xtd.drawing - property_item - Encapsulates a metadata property to be included in an image file.
  • added xtd.drawing - font_collection - Provides a base class for installed and private font collections.
  • added xtd.drawing - installed_font_collection - Represents the fonts installed on the system.
  • added xtd.drawing - private_font_collection - Provides a collection of font families built from font files that are provided by the client application.
  • added xtd.forms - application - Provides static methods and properties to manage an application, such as methods to start and stop an application, to process Windows messages, and methods to get information about an application.
  • added xtd.forms - application_context - Specifies the contextual information about an application thread.
  • added xtd.forms - application_information - Specifies the application informations.
  • added xtd.forms - about_dialog - Represents a dialog box that displays about dialog.
  • added xtd.forms - busy_dialog - Represents a dialog box that displays busy dialog.
  • added xtd.forms - color_dialog - Represents a common dialog box that displays available colors along with controls that enable the user to define custom colors.
  • added xtd.forms - exception_dialog - Represents a common dialog box that displays exception dialog.
  • added xtd.forms - folder_browser_dialog - Prompts the user to select a folder.
  • added xtd.forms - font_dialog - Prompts the user to choose a font from among those installed on the local computer.
  • added xtd.forms - input_dialog - Represents a common dialog box that displays input dialog.
  • added xtd.forms - message_dialog - Displays a message window, also known as a dialog box, which presents a message to the user.
  • added xtd.forms - open_file_dialog - Displays a standard dialog box that prompts the user to open a file.
  • added xtd.forms - progress_dialog - Represents a common dialog box that displays progress dialog.
  • added xtd.forms - save_file_dialog - Prompts the user to select a location for saving a file.
  • added xtd.forms - about_box - Represents a dialog box that displays about box.
  • added xtd.forms - busy_box - Represents a dialog box that displays busy box.
  • added xtd.forms - color_box - Represents a common dialog box that displays available colors along with controls that enable the user to define custom colors.
  • added xtd.forms - debug_message_box - Displays a dialog box and write debug.
  • added xtd.forms - exception_box - Represents a common dialog box that displays exception box.
  • added xtd.forms - font_box - Prompts the user to choose a font from among those installed on the local computer.
  • added xtd.forms - input_box - Represents a common dialog box that displays input box.
  • added xtd.forms - message_box - Displays a message window, also known as a dialog box, which presents a message to the user.
  • added xtd.forms - trace_message_box - Displays a dialog box and write trace.
  • added xtd.forms - debug_form - Represents a form that displays debug form.
  • added xtd.forms - form - Represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface.
  • added xtd.forms - trace_form - Represents a form that displays trace form.
  • added xtd.forms - main_menu - Represents the menu structure of a form.
  • added xtd.forms - group_box - Represents a Windows control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption.
  • added xtd.forms - horizontal_layout_panel - Used to group collections of horizontally aligned controls.
  • added xtd.forms - panel - Used to group collections of controls.
  • added xtd.forms - split_container - Represents a control consisting of a movable bar that divides a container's display area into two resizable panels.
  • added xtd.forms - tab_control - Manages a related set of tab pages.
  • added xtd.forms - tab_page - Represents a single tab page in a tab_control.
  • added xtd.forms - vertical_layout_panel - Used to group collections of vertically aligned controls.
  • added xtd.forms - animation - Represents an animation control.
  • added xtd.forms - button - Represents a Windows button control.
  • added xtd.forms - check_box - Represents a Windows check_box.
  • added xtd.forms - checked_list_box - Displays a xtd::forms::list_box in which a check box is displayed to the left of each item.
  • added xtd.forms - choice - Represents a choice control.
  • added xtd.forms - color_picker - Represents a picker control that displays available colors along with controls that enable the user to define custom colors.
  • added xtd.forms - combo_box - Represents a Windows combo box control.
  • added xtd.forms - command_link_button - Represents a Windows command link button control.
  • added xtd.forms - control - Defines the base class for controls, which are components with visual representation.
  • added xtd.forms - date_time_picker - Represents a picker control that displays available date time along with controls.
  • added xtd.forms - domain_up_down - Represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays string values.
  • added xtd.forms - dot_matrix_display - Represents a dot matrix display class.
  • added xtd.forms - font_picker - Represents a picker control that displays available fonts along with controls.
  • added xtd.forms - fourteen_segment_display - Represents a nine segment display class.
  • added xtd.forms - h_scroll_bar - Represents a standard Windows horizontal scroll bar.
  • added xtd.forms - label - Represents a standard Windows label.
  • added xtd.forms - lcd_label - Represents a lcd label.
  • added xtd.forms - link_label - Represents a Windows label control that can display hyperlinks.
  • added xtd.forms - list_box - Represents a standard Windows list box.
  • added xtd.forms - loading_indicator - Represents a loading indicator control.
  • added xtd.forms - nine_segment_display - Represents a nine segment display class.
  • added xtd.forms - numeric_up_down - Represents a standard Windows numeric up down.
  • added xtd.forms - picture_box - Represents a standard Windows picture box.
  • added xtd.forms - progress_bar - Represents a Windows progress bar control.
  • added xtd.forms - radio_button - Enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired with other xtd::forms::radio_button controls.
  • added xtd.forms - seven_segment_display - Represents a seven segment display class.
  • added xtd.forms - sixteen_segment_display - Represents a sixteen segment display class.
  • added xtd.forms - splitter - Represents a splitter control that enables the user to resize docked controls.
  • added xtd.forms - switch_button - Represents a standard Windows switch button.
  • added xtd.forms - text_box - Represents a standard Windows text box.
  • added xtd.forms - toggle_button - Represents a Windows toggle_button.
  • added xtd.forms - track_bar - Represents a standard Windows track bar.
  • added xtd.forms - up_down_button - Represents a standard Windows up down button.
  • added xtd.forms - user_control - Represents a standard Windows user control.
  • added xtd.forms - v_scroll_bar - Represents a standard Windows horizontal scroll bar.
  • added xtd.forms - background_worker - Executes an operation on a separate thread.
  • added xtd.forms - button_images - Provides a button images factories for use by a button control.
  • added xtd.forms - countries - Provides a collection of xtd::forms::country for all countries in the world.
  • added xtd.forms - country - Represent a country with name, alpha codes, numeric code, emoticon and flag.
  • added xtd.forms - cursor - Represents the image used to paint the mouse pointer.
  • added xtd.forms - cursors - Provides a collection of xtd::forms::cursor objects for use by a Windows Forms application.
  • added xtd.forms - emoticon - Represent a emoticon with name and codepoints.
  • added xtd.forms - emoticons - Provides a collection of xtd::forms:emoticon for all known emoticons.
  • added xtd.forms - image_list - Provides methods to manage a collection of xtd::drawing::image objects. This class cannot be inherited.
  • added xtd.forms - screen - Represents a display device or multiple display devices on a single system.
  • added xtd.forms - settings - Represent settings associate to the application
  • added xtd.forms - system_texts - Provides a collection of string objects for use by a Windows Forms application.
  • added xtd.forms - timer - Implements a timer that raises an event at user-defined intervals. This timer is optimized for use in Windows Forms applications and must be used in a window.
  • added xtd.forms - use_wait_cursor - Creates a use wait cursor class.
  • added xtd.forms - button_renderers - Provides button renderer methods.
  • added xtd.forms - check_box_renderer - Provides check box renderer methods.
  • added xtd.forms - radio_button_renderer - Provides radio button renderer methods.
  • added xtd.forms - switch_button_renderer - Provides switch button renderer methods.
  • added xtd.tunit - test - Represents the test.
  • added xtd.tunit - test_class - Represents the test class.
  • added xtd.tunit - unit_test_base - Represents the test base.
  • added xtd.tunit - ostream_unit_test - Represents ostream unit test.
  • added xtd.tunit - console_unit_test - Represents console unit test.
  • added xtd.tunit - event_listener - Represents event listener.
  • added xtd.tunit - ostream_event_listener - Represents ostream event listener.
  • added xtd.tunit - assert - Contains generic assertions.
  • added xtd.tunit - collection_assert - Contains collection assertions.
  • added xtd.tunit - directory_assert - Contains specific directory assertions.
  • added xtd.tunit - file_assert - Contains specific file assertions.
  • added xtd.tunit - string_assert - Contains specific string assertions.
  • added xtd.tunit - valid - Contains generic validations.
  • added xtd.tunit - collection_valid - Contains specific collection validations.
  • added xtd.tunit - directory_valid - Contains specific directory validations.
  • added xtd.tunit - file_valid - Contains specific file validations.
  • added xtd.tunit - string_valid - Contains specific string validations.
  • added xtd.tunit - assume - Contains generic assumptions.
  • added xtd.tunit - collection_assume - Contains specific collection assumptions.
  • added xtd.tunit - directory_assume - Contains specific directory assumptions.
  • added xtd.tunit - file_assume - Contains specific file assumptions.
  • added xtd.tunit - string_assume - Contains specific string assumptions.
  • added xtd.tunit - tests selection - Contains tests selection settings.
  • added xtd.tunit - tests execution - Contains tests execution settings.
  • added xtd.tunit - tests output - Contains tests output settings.
  • added - guigen - Guid generator command line tool.
  • added - guigen-gui - Guid generator GUI application.
  • added - sleepfor - Sleep for duration command line tool.
  • added - xtdc - Project management command line tool.
  • added - xtdc-gui - Project management GUI application.
  • added xtd.translation - english - English language.
  • added xtd.translation - french - French language.
  • added xtd.toolkits - wxwidgets - wxWidgets toolkit.
  • added Set default location of .xtdc-gui to ~/.config/xtdc-gui - #15
  • fixed Error when building src/xtd/forms/loading_indicator.cpp: reference to ’link’ is abmiguous - #14
  • fixed You are not in administrator mode! - #1


  • After 3 years of development, we are happy to release the first beta version of xtd. This version contains a lot of functionalities. It is the first of a long serie.
  • The essentials are listed above. For more information about all functionalities read the Reference Guide.

See also