xtd 0.2.0
No Matches
xtd::drawing::drawing_2d Namespace Reference


The xtd::drawing::drawing_2d namespace provides advanced two-dimensional and vector graphics functionality.


class  conical_gradient_brush
 Encapsulates a xtd::drawing::brush with a conical gradient. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  graphics_path
 Defines an object used to draw lines and curves. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  graphics_state
 Represents the state of a xtd::drawing::graphics object. This object is returned by a call to the xtd::drawing::graphics::save() methods. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  hatch_brush
 Defines a rectangular xtd::drawing::brush with a hatch style, a foreground color, and a background color. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  linear_gradient_brush
 Encapsulates a xtd::drawing::brush with a linear gradient. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  matrix
 Encapsulates a 3-by-3 affine matrix that represents a geometric transform. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  radial_gradient_brush
 Encapsulates a xtd::drawing::brush with a radial gradient. This class cannot be inherited. More...


using gradient_stop = xtd::collections::generic::key_value_pair< xtd::drawing::color, float >
 Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.
using gradient_stop_collection = std::vector< xtd::drawing::drawing_2d::gradient_stop >
 Represents a collection of xtd::drawing::drawing_2d::gradient_stop objects that can be individually accessed by index.


enum class  compositing_mode {
  compositing_mode::source_over ,
 Specifies how the source colors are combined with the background colors. More...
enum class  compositing_quality {
  compositing_quality::invalid ,
  compositing_quality::default_value ,
  compositing_quality::high_speed ,
  compositing_quality::high_quality ,
  compositing_quality::gamma_corrected ,
 Specifies the quality level to use during compositing. More...
enum class  dash_style {
  dash_style::solid ,
  dash_style::dash ,
  dash_style::dot ,
  dash_style::dash_dot ,
  dash_style::dash_dot_dot ,
 Specifies the style of dashed lines drawn with a xtd::drawing::pen object. More...
enum class  fill_mode {
  fill_mode::alternate ,
 Specifies how the interior of a closed path is filled. More...
enum class  flush_intention {
  flush_intention::flush ,
 Specifies whether commands in the graphics stack are terminated (flushed) immediately or executed as soon as possible. More...
enum class  hatch_style {
  hatch_style::horizontal ,
  hatch_style::vertical ,
  hatch_style::forward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::backward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::cross ,
  hatch_style::diagonal_cross ,
  hatch_style::percent_05 ,
  hatch_style::percent_10 ,
  hatch_style::percent_20 ,
  hatch_style::percent_25 ,
  hatch_style::percent_30 ,
  hatch_style::percent_40 ,
  hatch_style::percent_50 ,
  hatch_style::percent_60 ,
  hatch_style::percent_70 ,
  hatch_style::percent_75 ,
  hatch_style::percent_80 ,
  hatch_style::percent_90 ,
  hatch_style::light_downward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::light_upward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::dark_downward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::dark_upward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::wide_downward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::wide_upward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::light_vertical ,
  hatch_style::light_horizontal ,
  hatch_style::narrow_vertical ,
  hatch_style::narrow_horizontal ,
  hatch_style::dark_vertical ,
  hatch_style::dark_horizontal ,
  hatch_style::dashed_downward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::dashed_upward_diagonal ,
  hatch_style::dashed_horizontal ,
  hatch_style::dashed_vertical ,
  hatch_style::small_confetti ,
  hatch_style::large_confetti ,
  hatch_style::zig_zag ,
  hatch_style::wave ,
  hatch_style::diagonal_brick ,
  hatch_style::horizontal_brick ,
  hatch_style::weave ,
  hatch_style::plaid ,
  hatch_style::divot ,
  hatch_style::dotted_grid ,
  hatch_style::dotted_diamond ,
  hatch_style::shingle ,
  hatch_style::trellis ,
  hatch_style::sphere ,
  hatch_style::small_grid ,
  hatch_style::small_checker_board ,
  hatch_style::large_checker_board ,
  hatch_style::outlined_diamond ,
  hatch_style::solid_diamond ,
 Specifies the different patterns available for xtd::drawing::drawing_2d::hatch_brush objects. More...
enum class  interpolation_mode {
  interpolation_mode::invalid ,
  interpolation_mode::default_value ,
  interpolation_mode::low ,
  interpolation_mode::hight ,
  interpolation_mode::bilinear ,
  interpolation_mode::bicubic ,
  interpolation_mode::nearest_neighbor ,
  interpolation_mode::high_quality_bilinear ,
 The xtd::drawing::drawing_2d::interpolation_mode enumeration specifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated. More...
enum class  line_cap {
  line_cap::flat ,
  line_cap::square ,
 Specifies the available cap styles with which a xtd::drawing::pen object can end a line. More...
enum class  line_join {
  line_join::miter ,
  line_join::bevel ,
  line_join::round ,
 Specifies how to join consecutive line or curve segments in a figure (subpath) contained in a xtd::drawing::drawing_2d::graphics_path object. More...
enum class  linear_gradient_mode {
  linear_gradient_mode::horizontal ,
  linear_gradient_mode::vertical ,
  linear_gradient_mode::forward_diagonal ,
 Specifies the direction of a linear gradient. More...
enum class  matrix_order {
  matrix_order::prepend ,
 Specifies the order for matrix transform operations. More...
enum class  pen_alignment {
  pen_alignment::center ,
  pen_alignment::inset ,
  pen_alignment::outset ,
  pen_alignment::left ,
 Specifies the alignment of a xtd::drawing::pen object in relation to the theoretical, zero-width line. More...
enum class  pen_type {
  pen_type::solid_color ,
  pen_type::hatch_fill ,
  pen_type::texture_fill ,
  pen_type::path_gradient ,
  pen_type::linear_gradient ,
  pen_type::conical_gradient ,
 Specifies the type of fill a xtd::drawing::pen object uses to fill lines. More...
enum class  pixel_offset_mode {
  pixel_offset_mode::invalid ,
  pixel_offset_mode::default_value ,
  pixel_offset_mode::high_speed ,
  pixel_offset_mode::high_quality ,
  pixel_offset_mode::none ,
 Specifies how pixels are offset during rendering. More...
enum class  smoothing_mode {
  smoothing_mode::invalid ,
  smoothing_mode::default_value ,
  smoothing_mode::high_speed ,
  smoothing_mode::high_quality ,
  smoothing_mode::none ,
 Specifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines and curves and the edges of filled areas. More...