xtd 0.2.0
No Matches
xtd::drawing::texts Class Referencefinal
Inheritance diagram for xtd::drawing::texts:


Provides a collection of string objects for use by a Windows Forms application.

#include <xtd/forms/texts>
The following code example demonstrates the use of texts class.
#include <xtd/drawing/texts>
#include <xtd/forms/application>
#include <xtd/forms/form>
#include <xtd/forms/list_box>
#include <xtd/forms/message_box>
using namespace std;
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::drawing;
using namespace xtd::forms;
class form1 : public form {
form1() {
text("Texts example");
client_size({200, 400});
*this << list_box_texts;
list_box_texts.items().push_back_range({texts::abort(), texts::about(), texts::actual_size(), texts::add(), texts::align_left(), texts::align_right(), texts::alignment(), texts::apply(), texts::ascending(), texts::back(), texts::bold(), texts::bottom(), texts::cancel(), texts::cdrom(), texts::centered(), texts::clear(), texts::close(), texts::color(), texts::contents(), texts::convert(), texts::copy(), texts::customize(), texts::cut(), texts::del(), texts::descending(), texts::down(), texts::edit(), texts::execute(), texts::file(), texts::find(), texts::first(), texts::floppy(), texts::font(), texts::forward(), texts::harddisk(), texts::help(), texts::home(), texts::ignore(), texts::indent(), texts::index(), texts::info(), texts::italic(), texts::jump_to(), texts::justified(), texts::last(), texts::network(), texts::new_(), texts::no(), texts::ok(), texts::open(), texts::options(), texts::paste(), texts::preferences(), texts::print(), texts::print_preview(), texts::properties(), texts::quit(), texts::redo(), texts::refresh(), texts::remove(), texts::replace(), texts::retry(), texts::revert_to_saved(), texts::save(), texts::save_as(), texts::search(), texts::select_all(), texts::spell_check(), texts::stop(), texts::strikeout(), texts::tools(), texts::top(), texts::undelete(), texts::underline(), texts::undo(), texts::unindent(), texts::up(), texts::view(), texts::yes(), texts::zoom_in(), texts::zoom_out(), texts::zoom_to_fit()});
list_box list_box_texts;
auto main() -> int {
try {
//locale::global(locale {"fr_FR.utf-8"});
//locale::global(locale {"zh_CN.utf-8"});
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
message_box::show(ustring::format("Make sure specified locale is installed on your system :\n\n{}", e.what()), "Exception");
return -1;
application::run(form1 {});
Represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface.
Definition form.h:54
Represents a standard Windows list box.
Definition list_box.h:33
static ustring format(const ustring &fmt, args_t &&... args)
Writes the text representation of the specified arguments list, to string using the specified format ...
Definition ustring.h:1068
@ e
The E key.
The xtd::drawing namespace provides access to GDI+ basic graphics functionality. More advanced functi...
Definition actions_system_images.h:11
The xtd::forms namespace contains classes for creating Windows-based applications that take full adva...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:12
The xtd namespace contains all fundamental classes to access Hardware, Os, System,...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:10

Public Static Properties

static xtd::ustring abort ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Abort". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring about ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&About". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring actual_size ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Actual Size". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring add ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Add". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring alignment ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Alignment". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring align_left ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Align Left". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring align_right ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Align Right". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring apply ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Apply". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring ascending ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Ascending". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring back ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Back". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring bold ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Bold". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring bottom ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Bottom". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring cancel ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Cancel". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring cdrom ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&CD-Rom". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring centered ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Centered". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring clear ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Clear". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring close ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Close". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring color ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Color". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring contents ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Contents". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring convert ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Convert". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring copy ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Copy". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring customize ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Customize". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring cut ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Cu&t". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring del ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Delete". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring descending ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Descending". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring down ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Down". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring edit ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Edit". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring execute ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Execute". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring exit ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "E&xit". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring file ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&File". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring find ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Find...". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring first ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&First". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring floppy ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Floppy". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring font ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Font". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring forward ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Forward". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring harddisk ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Harddisk". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring help ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Help". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring home ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Home". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring ignore ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Ignore". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring indent ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Indent". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring index ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Index". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring info ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Info". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring italic ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Italic". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring justified ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Justified". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring jump_to ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Jump to". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring last ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Last". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring network ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Network". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring new_ ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&New". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring next ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Next". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring no ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&No". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring ok ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&OK". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring open ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Open...". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring options ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Options". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring paste ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Paste". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring preferences ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Preference". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring previous ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Previous". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring print ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Print...". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring print_preview ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Print Re&view". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring properties ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Properties". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring quit ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Quit". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring redo ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Redo". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring refresh ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Refresh". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring remove ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Remove". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring replace ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Rep&lace". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring retry ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Retry". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring revert_to_saved ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Revert to Saved". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring save ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Save". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring save_as ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Save &As...". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring search ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Search". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring select_all ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Select &All". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring settings ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Settings...". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring spell_check ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Spell Check". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring stop ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Stop". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring strikeout ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Strikeout". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring tools ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Tools". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring top ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Top". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring undelete ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Undelete". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring underline ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Underline". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring undo ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Undo". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring unindent ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Unindent". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring up ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Up". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring view ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&View". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring window ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Window". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring yes ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Yes". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring zoom_in ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Zoom &In". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring zoom_out ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Zoom &Out". This field is constant.
static xtd::ustring zoom_to_fit ()
 Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Zoom to &Fit". This field is constant.

Public Static Methods

static const std::vector< xtd::ustring > & get_texts () noexcept
 Gets an array of texts.

Member Function Documentation

◆ abort()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::abort ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Abort". This field is constant.

◆ about()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::about ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&About". This field is constant.

◆ actual_size()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::actual_size ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Actual Size". This field is constant.

◆ add()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::add ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Add". This field is constant.

◆ align_left()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::align_left ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Align Left". This field is constant.

◆ align_right()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::align_right ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Align Right". This field is constant.

◆ alignment()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::alignment ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Alignment". This field is constant.

radio_buttons.cpp, and toggle_buttons.cpp.

◆ apply()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::apply ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Apply". This field is constant.

◆ ascending()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::ascending ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Ascending". This field is constant.

◆ back()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::back ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Back". This field is constant.

◆ bold()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::bold ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Bold". This field is constant.

◆ bottom()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::bottom ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Bottom". This field is constant.

◆ cancel()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::cancel ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Cancel". This field is constant.

◆ cdrom()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::cdrom ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&CD-Rom". This field is constant.

◆ centered()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::centered ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Centered". This field is constant.

◆ clear()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::clear ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Clear". This field is constant.

◆ close()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::close ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Close". This field is constant.

◆ color()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::color ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Color". This field is constant.

◆ contents()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::contents ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Contents". This field is constant.

◆ convert()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::convert ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Convert". This field is constant.

◆ copy()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::copy ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Copy". This field is constant.

application_enable_dark_mode.cpp, application_enable_light_mode.cpp, some_controls.cpp, some_system_controls.cpp, and themes.cpp.

◆ customize()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::customize ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Customize". This field is constant.

◆ cut()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::cut ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Cu&t". This field is constant.

application_enable_dark_mode.cpp, application_enable_light_mode.cpp, some_controls.cpp, some_system_controls.cpp, and themes.cpp.

◆ del()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::del ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Delete". This field is constant.

◆ descending()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::descending ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Descending". This field is constant.

◆ down()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::down ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Down". This field is constant.

◆ edit()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::edit ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Edit". This field is constant.

◆ execute()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::execute ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Execute". This field is constant.

◆ exit()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::exit ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "E&xit". This field is constant.

◆ file()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::file ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&File". This field is constant.

◆ find()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::find ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Find...". This field is constant.

◆ first()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::first ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&First". This field is constant.

◆ floppy()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::floppy ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Floppy". This field is constant.

◆ font()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::font ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Font". This field is constant.


◆ forward()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::forward ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Forward". This field is constant.

◆ get_texts()

static const std::vector< xtd::ustring > & xtd::drawing::texts::get_texts ( )

Gets an array of texts.

◆ harddisk()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::harddisk ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Harddisk". This field is constant.

◆ help()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::help ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Help". This field is constant.

application_enable_dark_mode.cpp, application_enable_light_mode.cpp, some_controls.cpp, some_system_controls.cpp, and themes.cpp.

◆ home()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::home ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Home". This field is constant.

◆ ignore()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::ignore ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Ignore". This field is constant.

◆ indent()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::indent ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Indent". This field is constant.

◆ index()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::index ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Index". This field is constant.

◆ info()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::info ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Info". This field is constant.

◆ italic()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::italic ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Italic". This field is constant.

◆ jump_to()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::jump_to ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Jump to". This field is constant.

◆ justified()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::justified ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Justified". This field is constant.

◆ last()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::last ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Last". This field is constant.

◆ network()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::network ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Network". This field is constant.

◆ new_()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::new_ ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&New". This field is constant.

application_enable_dark_mode.cpp, application_enable_light_mode.cpp, some_controls.cpp, some_system_controls.cpp, and themes.cpp.

◆ next()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::next ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Next". This field is constant.

◆ no()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::no ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&No". This field is constant.

◆ ok()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::ok ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&OK". This field is constant.


◆ open()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::open ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Open...". This field is constant.

application_enable_dark_mode.cpp, application_enable_light_mode.cpp, some_controls.cpp, some_system_controls.cpp, and themes.cpp.

◆ options()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::options ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Options". This field is constant.

◆ paste()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::paste ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Paste". This field is constant.

application_enable_dark_mode.cpp, application_enable_light_mode.cpp, some_controls.cpp, some_system_controls.cpp, and themes.cpp.

◆ preferences()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::preferences ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Preference". This field is constant.

◆ previous()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::previous ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Previous". This field is constant.

◆ print()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::print ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Print...". This field is constant.

application_enable_dark_mode.cpp, application_enable_light_mode.cpp, some_controls.cpp, some_system_controls.cpp, and themes.cpp.

◆ print_preview()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::print_preview ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Print Re&view". This field is constant.

◆ properties()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::properties ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Properties". This field is constant.

◆ quit()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::quit ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Quit". This field is constant.

◆ redo()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::redo ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Redo". This field is constant.

◆ refresh()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::refresh ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Refresh". This field is constant.

◆ remove()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::remove ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Remove". This field is constant.

◆ replace()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::replace ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Rep&lace". This field is constant.

◆ retry()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::retry ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Retry". This field is constant.

◆ revert_to_saved()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::revert_to_saved ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Revert to Saved". This field is constant.

◆ save()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::save ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Save". This field is constant.

application_enable_dark_mode.cpp, application_enable_light_mode.cpp, some_controls.cpp, some_system_controls.cpp, and themes.cpp.

◆ save_as()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::save_as ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Save &As...". This field is constant.

◆ search()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::search ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Search". This field is constant.

◆ select_all()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::select_all ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Select &All". This field is constant.

◆ settings()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::settings ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Settings...". This field is constant.

◆ spell_check()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::spell_check ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Spell Check". This field is constant.

◆ stop()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::stop ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Stop". This field is constant.

◆ strikeout()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::strikeout ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Strikeout". This field is constant.

◆ tools()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::tools ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Tools". This field is constant.

◆ top()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::top ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Top". This field is constant.

◆ undelete()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::undelete ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Undelete". This field is constant.

◆ underline()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::underline ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Underline". This field is constant.

◆ undo()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::undo ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Undo". This field is constant.

◆ unindent()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::unindent ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Unindent". This field is constant.

◆ up()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::up ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Up". This field is constant.

◆ view()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::view ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&View". This field is constant.

◆ window()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::window ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Window". This field is constant.

◆ yes()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::yes ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "&Yes". This field is constant.

◆ zoom_in()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::zoom_in ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Zoom &In". This field is constant.

◆ zoom_out()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::zoom_out ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Zoom &Out". This field is constant.

◆ zoom_to_fit()

static xtd::ustring xtd::drawing::texts::zoom_to_fit ( )

Gets a system-defined text that has a string value of "Zoom to &Fit". This field is constant.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: