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Preprocessor Symbols

Table of content

First of all, the following definitions of preprocessor symbols (with the exception of xtd targets and xtd paths) are not defined by xtd, but are standard definitions. Normally, you won't need to use these definitions in your programs to use xtd. However, you may need to use them for specific purposes outside xtd.

Operating Systems

The following table represents the different preprocessor symbols for the operating systems supported by xtd:


To detect the different Apple platforms, it is necessary to include the TargetConditionals.h file which contains the different target definitions.

For a more complete list of platforms see Pre-defined Compiler Macros Wiki - Operating systems.


The following code shows how to detect the operating system with the preprocessor symbols:

#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H // needed for _POSIX_VERSION (see
# include <unistd.h>

#if defined(_WIN32)
# define __platform_name__ "Microsoft Windows"
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
# include <TargetConditionals.h>
# if TARGET_OS_WIN32 != 0
# define __platform_name__ "WIN32 API"
# define __platform_name__ "Windows"
# elif TARGET_OS_UNIX != 0
# define __platform_name__ "Unix"
# elif TARGET_OS_LINUX != 0
# define __platform_name__ "Linux"
# elif TARGET_OS_MAC != 0
# if TARGET_OS_OSX != 0
# define __platform_name__ "macOS"
# elif TARGET_OS_IPHONE != 0
# define __platform_name__ "iOS"
# elif TARGET_OS_TV != 0
# define __platform_name__ "tvOS"
# elif TARGET_OS_WATCH != 0
# define __platform_name__ "watchOS"
# elif TARGET_OS_BRIDGE != 0
# define __platform_name__ "Bridge device"
# define __platform_name__ "Catalyst macOS"
# else
# error "Unknown iPhone platform"
# endif
# define __platform_name__ "macOS, iOS, tvOS, or watchOS"
# define __platform_name__ "iPhone Simulator"
# else
# error "Unknown Apple platform"
# endif
# else
# error "Unknown target"
# endif
#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
# define __platform_name__ "Android"
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
# define __platform_name__ "FreeBSD"
#elif defined(__linux__)
# define __platform_name__ "Linux"
#elif defined(__unix__)
# define __platform_name__ "Unix"
#elif defined(_POSIX_VERSION)
# define __platform_name__ "Posix"
# error "Unknown platform"

#include <xtd/xtd.core>

using namespace xtd;

auto main() -> int {
console::write_line("platform_name=\"{}\"", __platform_name__);
console::write_line("platform_name=\"{}\"", environment::os_version().name());

// This code produces the following output if under macOS :
// platform_name="macOS"
// platform_name="macOS"


When using xtd, you do not need to use these preprocessor symbols.

It is better to use xtd::environment::os_version.

But it can be useful for your own developments.


The following table represents the different preprocessor symbols for the architectures supported by xtd:

__i386__Intel x86
__ia64__Intel Itanium (IA-64)

For a more complete list of compiler see Pre-defined Compiler Macros Wiki - Architectures.


The following code shows how to detect the architecture with the preprocessor symbols:

#if defined(__amd64__)
# define __architecture_name__ "amd64"
#elif defined(__arm__)
# define __architecture_name__ "arm"
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
# define __architecture_name__ "arm64"
#elif defined(__i386__)
# define __architecture_name__ "intel x86"
#elif defined(__ia64__)
# define __architecture_name__ "intel itanium (IA-64)"
# error "Unknown compiler"

#include <xtd/xtd.core>

using namespace xtd;

auto main() -> int {
console::write_line("architecture_name=\"{}\"", __architecture_name__);
console::write_line("architecture_name=\"{}\"", environment::processor_information().architecture_string());

// This code produces the following output if architecture is ARM64:
// architecture_name="arm64"
// architecture_name="arm64"


When using xtd, you do not need to use these preprocessor symbols.

It is better to use xtd::environment::processor_information.

But it can be useful for your own developments.


The following table represents the different preprocessor symbols for the compilers supported by xtd:

_MSC_VERMicrosoft Visual C++

For a more complete list of compiler see Pre-defined Compiler Macros Wiki - Compilers.


The following code shows how to detect the compiler with the preprocessor symbols:

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define __comiler_name__ "MSVC"
#elif defined (__APPLE__) && defined(__clang__)
# define __comiler_name__ "Apple Clang"
#elif defined(__clang__)
# define __comiler_name__ "Clang"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# define __comiler_name__ "GCC"
# error "Unknown compiler"

#include <xtd/xtd.core>

using namespace xtd;

auto main() -> int {
console::write_line("compiler_name=\"{}\"", __comiler_name__);
console::write_line("compiler_name=\"{}\"", environment::compiler_version().name());

// This code produces the following output if compiler is Clang:
// compiler_name="Clang"
// compiler_name="Clang"


When using xtd, you do not need to use these preprocessor symbols.

It is better to use xtd::environment::compiler_version.

But it can be useful for your own developments.


The following table represents the different preprocessor symbols for the C++ standard supported by xtd:

__cplusplus = 199711LC++98 (not supported)
__cplusplus = 201103LC++11 (not supported)
__cplusplus = 201402LC++14 (not supported)
__cplusplus = 201703LC++17
__cplusplus = 202002LC++20
__cplusplus = 202302LC++23
__cplusplus = 202600LC++26

For a more complete list of compiler see Pre-defined Compiler Macros Wiki - Standards.


The following code shows how to detect the C++ standard with the preprocessor symbols:

#if defined(__cplusplus)
# if __cplusplus == 202600L
# define __standard_name__ "C++ 26"
# elif __cplusplus == 202302L
# define __standard_name__ "C++ 23"
# elif __cplusplus == 202002L
# define __standard_name__ "C++ 20"
# elif __cplusplus == 201703L
# define __standard_name__ "C++ 17"
# elif __cplusplus == 201402L
# define __standard_name__ "C++ 14 (not supported)"
# elif __cplusplus == 201103L
# define __standard_name__ "C++ 11 (not supported)"
# elif __cplusplus == 199711L
# define __standard_name__ "C++ 98 (not supported)"
# else
# define __standard_name__ "Unknown C++ standard"
# endif
# error "Not C++ standard"

#include <xtd/xtd.core>

using namespace xtd;

auto main() -> int {
console::write_line("standard_name=\"{}\"", __standard_name__);
console::write_line("standard_name=\"{}\"", environment::cpp_version().name());

// This code produces the following output if C++20:
// platform_name="C++ 20"
// platform_name="C++ 20"


When using xtd, you do not need to use these preprocessor symbols.

It is better to use xtd::environment::cpp_version.

But it can be useful for your own developments.

Build types

The following table represents the different preprocessor symbols for the build type by xtd:

SymbolsBuild type
NDBUGThe build type is release

NDEBUG is the only definition in the C++ standard for whether the build type is debug or release.


The following code shows how to detect the buil type with the preprocessor symbols:

#if defined(NDEBUG)
# define __build_type__ "release"
# define __build_type__ "debug"

#include <xtd/xtd.core>

using namespace xtd;

auto main() -> int {
console::write_line("build_type=\"{}\"", __build_type__);
console::write_line("build_type=\"{}\"", environment::compiler_version().build_type());

// This code produces the following output if build type debug:
// build_type="debug"
// build_type="debug"


When using xtd, you do not need to use these preprocessor symbols.

It is better to use xtd::environment::compiler_version().build_type.

But it can be useful for your own developments.

xtd targets

The following table represents the different preprocessor symbols for the xtd targets:

__XTD_CURRENT_TARGET_ID__The current target id[0...8]
__XTD_TARGET_ID_UNKNOWN__The target is unknown0
__XTD_TARGET_ID_CONSOLE_APPLICATION__The target is console application1
__XTD_TARGET_ID_GUI_APPLICATION__The target is gui application2
__XTD_TARGET_ID_TEST_APPLICATION__The target is test application3
__XTD_TARGET_ID_INTERFACE_LIBRARY__The target is interface library4
__XTD_TARGET_ID_MODULE_LIBRARY__The target is interface library5
__XTD_TARGET_ID_SHARED_LIBRARY__The target is shared library6
__XTD_TARGET_ID_STATIC_LIBRARY__The target is static library7
__XTD_TARGET_ID_CUSTOM_TARGET__The target is custom target8

If you are not using CMake to generate your project, you must define them. See the xtd.cmake overview section for more information.


The following code shows how to detect the xtd folder with the folder symbols:

#include <xtd/xtd.core>

#if defined(__XTD_CURRENT_TARGET_ID__)
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "unknown"
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "console application"
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "gui application"
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "test application"
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "interface library"
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "module library"
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "shared library"
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "static library"
# define __TARGET_ID_NAME__ "custom target"
# else
# error "Current target id invalid"
# endif
# error "Current target id not defined"

using namespace xtd;

auto main() -> int {
console::write_line("target_type=\"{}\"", __TARGET_ID_NAME__);
console::write_line("target_type=\"{}\"", environment::target_type().name());

// This code produces the following output for a consome application:
// target_type="console application"
// target_type="console application"


When using xtd, you do not need to use these preprocessor symbols.

It is better to use xtd::environment::target_type.

xtd paths

The following table represents the different preprocessor symbols for the xtd paths:

__XTD_INSTALL_PATH__The installation folder of xtd${XTD_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_LOCALE_PATH__The xtd locale folder${XTD_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_REFERENCE_GUIDE_PATH__The xtd reference guide folder${XTD_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_THEMES_PATH__The xtd themes folder${XTD_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_INCLUDE_PATH__The xtd inlude folder${XTD_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_LIB_PATH__The xtd libraries folder${XTD_INSTALL_PATH}/lib"
__XTD_REOURCES_PATH__The xtd resources folder${XTD_INSTALL_PATH}/lib"
__XTD_CONSOLE_INCLUDE_PATH__The xtd::console inlude folder${XTD_CONSOLE_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_CONSOLE_LIB_PATH__The xtd::console libraries folder${XTD_CONSOLE_INSTALL_PATH}/lib"
__XTD_DRAWING_INCLUDE_PATH__The xtd::drawing inlude folder${XTD_DRAWING_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_DRAWING_LIB_PATH__The xtd::drawing libraries folder${XTD_DRAWING_INSTALL_PATH}/lib"
__XTD_DRAWING_RESOURCES_PATH__The xtd::drawing resources folder${XTD_DRAWING_INSTALL_PATH}/share/xtd/resources"
__XTD_FORMS_INCLUDE_PATH__The xtd::forms inlude folder${XTD_FORMS_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_FORMS_LIB_PATH__The xtd::forms libraries folder${XTD_FORMS_INSTALL_PATH}/lib"
__XTD_FORMS_RESOURCES_PATH__The xtd::forms resources folder${XTD_FORMS_INSTALL_PATH}/share/xtd/resources"
__XTD_TUNIT_INCLUDE_PATH__The xtd::tunit inlude folder${XTD_TUNIT_INSTALL_PATH}/include"
__XTD_TUNIT_LIB_PATH__The xtd::tunit libraries folder${XTD_TUNIT_INSTALL_PATH}/lib"

If you are not using CMake to generate your project, you must define them. See the xtd.cmake overview section for more information.


The following code shows how to detect the xtd folder with the folder symbols:

#include <xtd/xtd.core>

using namespace xtd;

auto main() -> int {
console::write_line("xtd_themes=\"{}\"", __XTD_THEMES_PATH__);
console::write_line("xtd_themes=\"{}\"", environment::get_folder_path(environment::special_folder::xtd_themes));

// This code produces the following output if under unix like system:
// xtd_themes="/usr/local/share/xtd/themes"
// xtd_themes="/usr/local/share/xtd/themes"


When using xtd, you do not need to use these preprocessor symbols.

It is better to use xtd::environment::get_folder_path.

See also