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How to: Read Text from a File

The following example shows how to read text from a text file using xtd for desktop apps. In example, when you create the instance of the xtd::io::stream_reader class, you provide the relative or absolute path to the file.

Example: Read in a console app

The following example shows a read operation within a console app. This example opens the text file using a stream reader, copies the contents to a string, and outputs the string to the console.


The example assume that a file named test_file.txt already exists in the same folder as the app.

#include <xtd/xtd>

using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::io;

class program {
static auto main() {
try {
// Open the text file using a stream reader.
using_ (stream_reader sr("test_file.txt")) {
// Read the stream as a string, and write the string to the console.
} catch (const io_exception& e) {
console::write_line("The file could not be read:");


See also