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Test class (test_class)

This is the inherited class that marks a class that contains tests and, optionally, setup or teardown methods.

Most restrictions on a class that is used as a test fixture have now been eliminated. A test fixture class:

  • May be generic, so long as any type parameters are provided or can be inferred from the actual arguments.
  • May not be abstract - although the attribute may be applied to an abstract class intended to serve as a base class for test fixtures.
  • Only default constructor may be defined.
  • Other parametrized constructor can not be defined.

If any of these restrictions are violated, the class is not buildable or runnable as a test and will display as an error.

It is advisable that the constructor not have any side effects, since NUnit may construct the object multiple times in the course of a session.

Classic test_class

The following examples shows how to register a test class with testclass helper:

#include <xtd/tunit>

using namespace xtd::tunit;

namespace unit_tests {
class test_class_(test) {
// ...

auto main(int argc, char* argv[]) -> int {
return console_unit_test(argv, argc).run();

Generic test_class

For generic test_class actually no helper is provided.

The following example show how to register a generic test class without helper:

#include <xtd/tunit>

using namespace xtd::tunit;

namespace unit_tests {
template<typename T>
class test;

// Register generic test class with 'std:string' as generic parameter.
test_class_attribute<test<std::string>> test_class_string_attr {"test<string>"};

// Register generic test class with 'int' as generic parameter.
test_class_attribute<test<int>> test_class_int_attr {"test<int>"};

// Create new test fixture inherited test_class.
template<typename T>
class test : public test_class {
void test_method_(test_case1) {

auto main(int argc, char* argv[]) -> int {
return console_unit_test(argv, argc).run();


The test_class may be applied to a base class and is inherited by any derived classes. This includes any abstract base class, so the well-known Abstract Fixture pattern may be implemented if desired.

The following code show how to register a derived class with helper :

#include <xtd/tunit>

using namespace xtd::tunit;

namespace unit_tests {
class base_test : public test_class {
void test_method_(base_test_case1) {

class test_class_from_(test, base_test) {
void test_method_(test_case1) {

auto main(int argc, char* argv[]) -> int {
return console_unit_test(argv, argc).run();

See also