Some useful git commands
In general this command is done only once. Clone a remote project locally in your working folder:
cd Projects\xtd
git clone
You are automatically on the master branch, you can check by typing the command
git status
Every time you want to resynchronize your local repo with the remote repo to get the latest changes
git pull
Creation of a branch
If you want to create a dev branch
git branch my_branch_dev1
You have just created the branch but you are still on the active master branch.
If you want to work on your my_branch_dev1 branch
git checkout my_branch_dev1
The active branch is now my_branch_dev1.
If you want to go back to your master branch
git checkout master
The active branch is now master.
When you want to commit your files to any active branch
git commit -m "My commit message" --all
or for a specific file
git commit -m "My commit message" my_class.h
When you want to merge your dev branch into master
git checkout master
git merge my_branch_dev1
Remove branch
When you want to remove your dev branch
git branch -d my_branch_dev1
GitHub Desktop application
When you have understood the principles of git branches and git commands, the easiest way is to use the GitHub Desktop application.