xtd 0.2.0
No Matches
xtd::drawing::imaging Namespace Reference


The xtd.drawing.imaging namespace provides advanced GDI+ imaging functionality. Basic graphics functionality is provided by the xtd.drawing namespace.

The metafile class provides methods for recording and saving metafiles. The xtd::drawing::imaging::bitmap_data class enables users to extend GDI+ to support any image format. The xtd::drawing::imaging::property_item class provides methods for storing and retrieving metadata in image files.
The metafile class provides methods for recording and saving metafiles. The encoder class enables users to extend GDI+ to support any image format. The property_item class provides methods for storing and retrieving metadata in image files.
The metafile class provides methods for recording and saving metafiles. The encoder_parameter class enables users to extend GDI+ to support any image format. The property_item class provides methods for storing and retrieving metadata in image files.
The metafile class provides methods for recording and saving metafiles. The encoder_parameters class enables users to extend GDI+ to support any image format. The property_item class provides methods for storing and retrieving metadata in image files.


struct  bitmap_data
 Specifies the attributes of a bitmap image. The xtd::drawing::imaging::bitmap_data struct is used by the xtd::drawing::bitmap::lock_bits and xtd::drawing::bitmap::unlock_bits methods of the xtd::drawing::bitmap class. Not inheritable. More...
class  color_palette
 Defines an array of colors that make up a color palette. The colors are 32-bit ARGB colors. Not inheritable. More...
class  encoder
 An Encoder object encapsulates a globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies the category of an image encoder parameter. More...
class  encoder_parameter
 Used to pass a value, or an array of values, to an image encoder. More...
struct  encoder_parameters
 Encapsulates an array of EncoderParameter objects. More...
class  frame_dimension
 Provides properties that get the frame dimensions of an image. Not inheritable. More...
class  image_format
 Specifies the file format of the image. Not inheritable. More...
class  property_item
 Encapsulates a metadata property to be included in an image file. Not inheritable. More...


enum class  encoder_parameter_value_type {
  encoder_parameter_value_type::value_type_byte ,
  encoder_parameter_value_type::value_type_ascii ,
  encoder_parameter_value_type::value_type_short ,
  encoder_parameter_value_type::value_type_long ,
  encoder_parameter_value_type::value_type_rational ,
  encoder_parameter_value_type::value_type_long_range ,
  encoder_parameter_value_type::value_type_undefined ,
  encoder_parameter_value_type::value_type_rational_range ,
 Specifies the data type of the xtd::drawing::imaging::encoder_parameter used with the xtd::drawing::image::save or xtd::drawing::image::save_add method of an image. More...
enum class  image_flags {
  image_flags::none ,
  image_flags::scalable ,
  image_flags::has_alpha ,
  image_flags::has_translucent ,
  image_flags::partially_scalable ,
  image_flags::color_space_rgb ,
  image_flags::color_space_cmyk ,
  image_flags::color_space_gray ,
  image_flags::color_space_ycbcr ,
  image_flags::color_space_ycck ,
  image_flags::has_real_dpi ,
  image_flags::has_real_pixel_size ,
  image_flags::read_only ,
 Specifies the attributes of the pixel data contained in an xtd::drawing::image object. The xtd::drawing:iImage::flags property returns a member of this enumeration. More...
enum class  image_lock_mode {
  image_lock_mode::read_only ,
  image_lock_mode::write_only ,
  image_lock_mode::read_write ,
 Specifies flags that are passed to the flags parameter of the xtd::drawing::bitmap::lock_bits method. The xtd::drawing::bitmap::lock_bits method locks a portion of an image so that you can read or write the pixel data. More...
enum class  pixel_format {
  pixel_format::undefined ,
  pixel_format::dont_care ,
  pixel_format::max ,
  pixel_format::indexed ,
  pixel_format::gdi ,
  pixel_format::format_16bpp_rgb555 ,
  pixel_format::format_16bpp_rgb565 ,
  pixel_format::format_24bpp_rgb ,
  pixel_format::format_32bpp_rgb ,
  pixel_format::format_1bpp_indexed ,
  pixel_format::format_4bpp_indexed ,
  pixel_format::format_8bpp_indexed ,
  pixel_format::alpha ,
  pixel_format::format_16bpp_argb1555 ,
  pixel_format::palpha ,
  pixel_format::format_32bpp_pargb ,
  pixel_format::extended ,
  pixel_format::format_16bpp_gray_scale ,
  pixel_format::format_48bpp_rgb ,
  pixel_format::format_64bpp_pargb ,
  pixel_format::canonical ,
  pixel_format::format_32bpp_argb ,
 Specifies the format of the color data for each pixel in the image. More...