xtd 0.2.0
No Matches

Shows how to use xtd::threading::event_wait_handle class.

#include <xtd/threading/event_wait_handle>
#include <xtd/threading/interlocked>
#include <xtd/threading/thread>
#include <xtd/console>
#include <xtd/startup>
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::threading;
class example {
// The event_wait_handle used to demonstrate the difference
// between auto_reset and manual_reset synchronization events.
inline static event_wait_handle ewh;
// A counter to make sure all threads are started and
// blocked before any are released. A Long is used to show
// the use of the 64-bit Interlocked methods.
inline static int64 thread_count = 0;
// An auto_reset event that allows the main thread to block
// until an exiting thread has decremented the count.
inline static event_wait_handle clear_count {false, event_reset_mode::auto_reset};
static void main() {
// Create an auto_reset event_wait_handle.
ewh = event_wait_handle {false, event_reset_mode::auto_reset};
// Create and start five numbered threads. Use the
// ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, so the thread
// number can be passed as an argument to the Start
// method.
for (auto i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
threads_[i] = thread {thread_proc};
// Wait until all the threads have started and blocked.
// When multiple threads use a 64-bit value on a 32-bit
// system, you must access the value through the
// Interlocked class to guarantee thread safety.
while (interlocked::read(thread_count) < 5) {
// Release one thread each time the user presses ENTER,
// until all threads have been released.
while (interlocked::read(thread_count) > 0) {
console::write_line("Press ENTER to release a waiting thread.");
// SignalAndWait signals the event_wait_handle, which
// releases exactly one thread before resetting,
// because it was created with auto_reset mode.
// SignalAndWait then blocks on clear_count, to
// allow the signaled thread to decrement the count
// before looping again.
wait_handle::signal_and_wait(ewh, clear_count);
// Create a manual_reset event_wait_handle.
ewh = event_wait_handle(false, event_reset_mode::manual_reset);
// Create and start five more numbered threads.
for(auto i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
threads_[i] = thread {thread_proc};
// Wait until all the threads have started and blocked.
while (interlocked::read(thread_count) < 5) {
// Because the event_wait_handle was created with
// manual_reset mode, signaling it releases all the
// waiting threads.
console::write_line("Press ENTER to release the waiting threads.");
static void thread_proc(std::any data) {
console::write_line("Thread {0} blocks.", as<int>(data));
// Increment the count of blocked threads.
// Wait on the event_wait_handle.
console::write_line("Thread {0} exits.", as<int>(data));
// Decrement the count of blocked threads.
// After signaling ewh, the main thread blocks on
// clear_count until the signaled thread has
// decremented the count. Signal it now.
inline static std::array<thread, 5> threads_;
// This example produces output similar to the following:
// Thread 2 blocks.
// Thread 4 blocks.
// Thread 0 blocks.
// Thread 1 blocks.
// Thread 3 blocks.
// Press ENTER to release a waiting thread.
// Thread 4 exits.
// Press ENTER to release a waiting thread.
// Thread 2 exits.
// Press ENTER to release a waiting thread.
// Thread 0 exits.
// Press ENTER to release a waiting thread.
// Thread 1 exits.
// Press ENTER to release a waiting thread.
// Thread 3 exits.
// Thread 0 blocks.
// Thread 1 blocks.
// Thread 3 blocks.
// Thread 2 blocks.
// Thread 4 blocks.
// Press ENTER to release the waiting threads.
// Thread 2 exits.
// Thread 1 exits.
// Thread 4 exits.
// Thread 3 exits.
// Thread 0 exits.
Represents a thread synchronization event.
Definition event_wait_handle.h:37
bool set()
Sets the state of the event to signaled, allowing one or more waiting threads to proceed.
Creates and controls a thread, sets its priority, and gets its status.
Definition thread.h:43
void start()
Causes the operating system to change the state of the current instance to xtd::threading::thread_sta...
virtual bool wait_one()
Blocks the current thread until the current xtd::threading::wait_handle receives a signal.
#define startup_(main_method)
Defines the entry point to be called when the application loads. Generally this is set either to the ...
Definition startup.h:175
int64_t int64
Represents a 64-bit signed integer.
Definition int64.h:23
The xtd::threading namespace provides classes and interfaces that enable multithreaded programming....
Definition abandoned_mutex_exception.h:11
The xtd namespace contains all fundamental classes to access Hardware, Os, System,...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:10