Public Constructors | |
settings ()=default | |
Creates new instance of settings. | |
Public Properties | |
bool | also_run_ignored_tests () const noexcept |
Gets also run ignored test. | |
void | also_run_ignored_tests (bool also_run_ignored_tests) noexcept |
Sets also run ignored test. | |
bool | break_on_failure () const noexcept |
Gets break immediatly on failure. | |
void | break_on_failure (bool break_on_failure) noexcept |
Sets break immediatly on failure. | |
bool | brief () const noexcept |
Gets brief. | |
void | brief (bool brief) noexcept |
Sets brief. | |
bool | count_tests () const noexcept |
Gets count tests. | |
void | count_tests (bool count_tests) noexcept |
Sets count tests. | |
bool | enable_stack_trace () const noexcept |
Gets stack trace enabled. | |
void | enable_stack_trace (bool enable_stack_trace) noexcept |
Sets stack trace enabled. | |
const xtd::date_time & | end_time () const noexcept |
Gets unit test end time. | |
int32 | exit_status () const noexcept |
Gets exit status. | |
void | exit_status (int32 exit_status) noexcept |
Sets exit status. | |
const std::vector< string > & | filter_tests () const noexcept |
Gets filter tests. | |
void | filter_tests (const std::vector< string > &filter_tests) noexcept |
Sets filter tests. | |
bool | gtest_compatibility () const noexcept |
Gets google test comaptibility. | |
void | gtest_compatibility (bool gtest_compatibility) noexcept |
Sets google test comaptibility. | |
bool | is_match_test_name (const xtd::string &test_class_name, const xtd::string &test_name) const noexcept |
Return true if a specified test class name and specified test name match with the current filter tests. | |
bool | list_tests () const noexcept |
Gets list tests. | |
void | list_tests (bool list_tests) noexcept |
Sets list tests. | |
bool | output_color () const noexcept |
Gets output color. | |
void | output_color (bool output_color) noexcept |
Sets output color. | |
bool | output_json () const noexcept |
Gets output xml. | |
void | output_json (bool output_json) noexcept |
Sets output json. | |
xtd::string | output_json_path () const noexcept |
Gets output json path. | |
void | output_json_path (const xtd::string &output_json_path) noexcept |
Sets output sjon path. | |
bool | output_xml () const noexcept |
Gets output xml. | |
void | output_xml (bool output_xml) noexcept |
Sets output xml. | |
xtd::string | output_xml_path () const noexcept |
Gets output xml path. | |
void | output_xml_path (const xtd::string &output_xml_path) noexcept |
Sets output xml path. | |
uint32 | random_seed () const noexcept |
Gets random seed value. | |
void | random_seed (uint32 random_seed) noexcept |
Sets random seed value. | |
int32 | repeat_test () const noexcept |
Gets repeat tests count. | |
void | repeat_tests (int32 repeat_tests) noexcept |
Sets repeat tests count. | |
bool | show_duration () const noexcept |
Gets if show duration for each test. | |
void | show_duration (bool show_duration) noexcept |
Sets if show duration for each test. | |
bool | shuffle_test () const noexcept |
Gets shuffle tests. | |
void | shuffle_test (bool shuffle_test) noexcept |
Sets shuffle tests. | |
const xtd::date_time & | start_time () const noexcept |
Gets unit test start time. | |
bool | throw_on_failure () const noexcept |
Gets throw on failure. | |
void | throw_on_failure (bool break_on_failure) noexcept |
Sets throw on failure. | |
Public Static Properties | |
static xtd::tunit::settings & | default_settings () noexcept |
Gets default settings instance. | |
default |
Creates new instance of settings.
Property | Default value |
also_run_ignored_tests | false |
break_on_failure | false |
brief | false |
count_tests | false |
enable_stack_trace | false |
exit_status | EXIT_SUCCESS |
filter_tests | {"*.*"} |
gtest_compatibility | false |
list_tests | false |
output_color | true |
output_json | false |
output_json_path | "" |
output_xml | false |
output_xml_path | "" |
random_seed | 0 |
repeat_test | 1 |
show_duration | true |
shuffle_test | false |
throw_on_failure | false |
noexcept |
Gets also run ignored test.
if also run ignored test; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets also run ignored test.
also_run_ignored_tests | true if also run ignored test; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Gets break immediatly on failure.
if break immediatly on failure; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets break immediatly on failure.
break_on_failure | true if break immediatly on failure; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Gets brief.
if brief; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets brief.
brief | true if brief; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Gets count tests.
if count tests; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets count tests.
count_tests | true if count tests; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Gets stack trace enabled.
if stack trace enabled; otherwise false
. The default value is false
. true
, unit test execution time will increase sharply.
noexcept |
Sets stack trace enabled.
enable_stack_trace | true if stack trace enabled; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
, unit test execution time will increase sharply.
noexcept |
Gets unit test end time.
noexcept |
Gets exit status.
noexcept |
Sets exit status.
exit_status | exit status. The value by default is EXIT_SUCCESS . |
noexcept |
Gets filter tests.
noexcept |
Sets filter tests.
filter_tests | filter tests. The value by default is {"*.*"} . |
noexcept |
Gets google test comaptibility.
if google test comaptibility; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets google test comaptibility.
gtest_compatibility | true if google test comaptibility; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Return true
if a specified test class name and specified test name match with the current filter tests.
if class name and test name match with the current filter tests; otherwise false
noexcept |
Gets list tests.
if list tests; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets list tests.
list_tests | true if list tests; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Gets output color.
for colored output; otherwise false
. The default value is true
noexcept |
Sets output color.
output_color | true for colored output; otherwise false . The default value is true . |
noexcept |
Gets output xml.
for generate xml report; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets output json.
output_json | true for generate json report; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Gets output json path.
noexcept |
Sets output sjon path.
output_jsonl_path | Output json path. The default value is xtd::string::empty_string (""). |
noexcept |
Gets output xml.
for generate xml report; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets output xml.
output_xml | true for generate xml report; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Gets output xml path.
noexcept |
Sets output xml path.
output_xml_path | Output xml path. The default value is xtd::string::empty_string (""). |
noexcept |
Gets random seed value.
(no seed).
noexcept |
Sets random seed value.
random_seed | Random seed value. The default value is 0 (no seed). |
noexcept |
Gets repeat tests count.
(no repeat).
noexcept |
Sets repeat tests count.
repeat_tests | Repeat test count. The default value is 1 (no repeat). |
noexcept |
Gets if show duration for each test.
if show duration for each test; otherwise false
. The default value is true
noexcept |
Sets if show duration for each test.
show_duration | true if show duration for each test; otherwise false . The default value is true . |
noexcept |
Gets shuffle tests.
if shuffle test; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets shuffle tests.
shuffle_test | true if shuffle test; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
noexcept |
Gets unit test start time.
noexcept |
Gets throw on failure.
if throw on failure; otherwise false
. The default value is false
noexcept |
Sets throw on failure.
break_on_failure | true if throw on failure; otherwise false . The default value is false . |
staticnoexcept |
Gets default settings instance.
Property | Default value |
also_run_ignored_tests | false |
break_on_failure | false |
brief | false |
count_tests | false |
enable_stack_trace | false |
exit_status | EXIT_SUCCESS |
filter_tests | {"*.*"} |
gtest_compatibility | false |
list_tests | false |
output_color | true |
output_json | false |
output_json_path | "" |
output_xml | false |
output_xml_path | "" |
random_seed | 0 |
repeat_test | 1 |
show_duration | true |
shuffle_test | false |
throw_on_failure | false |