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How to: Copy Directories

This article demonstrates how to use I/O classes to synchronously copy the contents of a directory to another location. For an example of asynchronous file copy, see Asynchronous file I/O. This example copies subdirectories by setting the recursive parameter of the copy_directory method to true. The copy_directory method recursively copies subdirectories by calling itself on each subdirectory until there are no more to copy.


#include <xtd/xtd>

using namespace std;
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::io;

class program {
static void copy_directory(const ustring& source_dir, const ustring& destination_dir, bool recursive) {
// Get information about the source directory
auto dir = directory_info(source_dir);

// Check if the source directory exists
if (!dir.exists())
throw directory_not_found_exception(ustring::format("Source directory not found: {}", dir.full_name()), csf_);

// Cache directories before we start copying
vector<directory_info> dirs = dir.get_directories();

// Create the destination directory

// Get the files in the source directory and copy to the destination directory
for (const file_info& file : dir.get_files()) {
ustring target_file_path = path::combine(destination_dir,;

// If recursive and copying subdirectories, recursively call this method
if (recursive) {
for (const directory_info& sub_dir : dirs) {
ustring new_destination_dir = path::combine(destination_dir,;
copy_directory(sub_dir.full_name(), new_destination_dir, true);

static auto main() {
copy_directory(".", path::combine(".", "copytest"), true);


See also