xtd 0.2.0
Todo List
Namespace xtd

to remove

remove when sorted_dictionay is developped.

to remove

to remove

remove when sorted_dictionay is developped.

Class xtd::argument_exception
add param_name property and constructors param (param_name is the parameter that cause the exception).
Member xtd::basic_array< type_t, allocator_t >::copy_to (xtd::array< type_t > &array, size_type index) const override
uncomment want array remamed into array.
Member xtd::basic_string< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >::const_iterator
replace xtd::ienumerable::const_iterator
Member xtd::basic_string< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >::iterator
replace xtd::ienumerable::iterator
Member xtd::basic_string< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char > &stream, const basic_string &str)

uncomment following operators

uncomment following line and remove the next.

Member xtd::basic_string< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >::to_string () const noexcept override
Uncomment the folllowing line and remove the next..
Member xtd::basic_string_comparer< char_t >::basic_string_comparer ()=default

Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.

Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.

Member xtd::basic_string_comparer< char_t >::compare (const xtd::basic_string< char_t > &x, const xtd::basic_string< char_t > &y) const noexcept override
Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.
Member xtd::basic_string_comparer< char_t >::current_culture_ignore_case ()
Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.
Member xtd::basic_string_comparer< char_t >::equals (const xtd::basic_string< char_t > &x, const xtd::basic_string< char_t > &y) const noexcept override
Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.
Member xtd::basic_string_comparer< char_t >::get_hash_code (const xtd::basic_string< char_t > &obj) const noexcept override
Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.
Member xtd::basic_string_comparer< char_t >::invariant_culture ()
Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.
Member xtd::basic_string_comparer< char_t >::invariant_culture_ignore_case ()
Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.
Member xtd::basic_string_comparer< char_t >::is_well_known_ordinal_comparer (const xtd::collections::generic::iequality_comparer< xtd::basic_string< char_t > > &comparer, bool &ignore_case)
Uncomment following lines when xtd::globalization::culture_info and xtd::globalization::compare_options are developped.
Member xtd::cpp26
Set the correct value when the __cplusplus macro is defined for c++26...
Member xtd::cpp29
Set the correct value when the __cplusplus macro is defined for c++29...
Member xtd::environment::get_environment_variable (const xtd::string &variable, environment_variable_target target)
Add xtd::registry and uncomment lines.
Member xtd::environment::get_environment_variables (environment_variable_target target)
Add xtd::registry and uncomment lines.
Member xtd::environment::set_environment_variable (const xtd::string &variable, const xtd::string &value, environment_variable_target target)
Add xtd::registry and uncomment lines.
Member xtd::environment::user_interactive ()
check if process is an operating system process or service process...
Class xtd::forms::link_label_clicked_event_args
rename to link_label_link_clicked_event_args
Class xtd::out_of_memory_exception
add param_name property and constructors param (param_name is the parameter that cause the exception).
Class xtd::rank_exception
add param_name property and constructors param (param_name is the parameter that cause the exception).
Class xtd::reflection::assembly_description_attribute
Check build under Windows with the XTD_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARIES option enabled.
Member xtd::system_report::to_json () noexcept
Implement json report
Member xtd::system_report::to_json (reports reports) noexcept
Implement json report
Member xtd::system_report::to_xml (reports reports) noexcept
Implement xml report
Member xtd::system_report::to_xml () noexcept
Implement xml report
Member xtd::text::basic_string_builder< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >::const_iterator
replace xtd::ienumerable::const_iterator
Member xtd::text::basic_string_builder< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >::iterator
replace xtd::ienumerable::iterator
Member xtd::text::basic_string_builder< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char > &stream, const basic_string_builder &str)

uncomment following operators

uncomment following line and remove the next.

Member xtd::text::basic_string_builder< char_t, traits_t, allocator_t >::to_string () const noexcept override
Uncomment the folllowing line and remove the next..
Class xtd::unauthorized_access_exception
add param_name property and constructors param (param_name is the parameter that cause the exception).
Class xtd::xml_syntax_exception
move to security namespace