strong |
Specifies key codes and modifiers.
Hexadecimal value | U.S. keyboard | General OEM |
BA | oem_semicolon | oem1 |
BF | oem_question | oem2 |
C0 | oem_tilde | oem3 |
DB | oem_open_brackets | oem4 |
DC | oem_pipe | oem5 |
DD | oem_close_brackets | oem6 |
DE | oem_quotes | oem7 |
E2 | oem_backslash | oem102 |
keys on the Macintosh keyboard, and references to xtd::forms::keys::lwin, xtd::forms::keys::rwin and xtd::forms::keys::meta correspond to the control
keys. In effect, developers can use the same shortcut descriptions across all platforms, and their applications will automatically work as expected on Apple platforms. Enumerator | |
none | No key pressed. |
lbutton | The left mouse button. |
rbutton | The right mouse button. |
cancel | The CANCEL key. |
mbutton | The middle mouse button (three-button mouse). |
xbutton1 | The first x mouse button (five-button mouse). |
xbutton2 | The second x mouse button (five-button mouse). |
back | The BACK key. |
tab | The TAB key. |
line_feed | The LINEFEED key. |
clear | The CLEAR key. |
enter | The ENTER key. |
ret | The RETURN key. |
shift_key | The SHIFT key. |
control_key | The CTRL key. |
menu | The ALT key. |
pause | The PAUSE key. |
caps_lock | The CAPS LOCK key. |
capital | The CAPS LOCK key. |
kana_mode | The IME Kana mode key. |
hanguel_mode | The IME Hanguel mode key. (maintained for compatibility; use HangulMode) |
hangul_mode | The IME Hangul mode key. |
junja_mode | The IME Junja mode key. |
final_mode | The IME Final mode key. |
kanji_mode | The IME Kanji mode key. |
hanja_mode | The IME Hanja mode key. |
escape | The ESC key. |
ime_convert | The IME convert key. |
ime_nonconvert | The IME nonconvert key. |
ime_accept | The IME accept key. |
ime_mode_change | The IME mode change key. |
space | The SPACEBAR key. |
page_up | The PAGE UP key. |
prior | The PAGE UP key. |
page_down | The PAGE DOWN key. |
next | The PAGE DOWN key. |
end | The END key. |
home | The HOME key. |
left | The LEFT key. |
up | The UP key. |
right | The RIGHT key. |
down | The DOWN key. |
select | The SELECT key. |
The PRINT key. | |
execute | The EXECUTE key. |
print_screen | The PRINT SCREEN key. |
snapshot | The PRINT SCREEN key. |
insert | The INSERT key. |
del | The DEL key. |
help | The HELP key. |
d0 | The 0 key. |
d1 | The 1 key. |
d2 | The 2 key. |
d3 | The 3 key. |
d4 | The 4 key. |
d5 | The 5 key. |
d6 | The 6 key. |
d7 | The 7 key. |
d8 | The 8 key. |
d9 | The 9 key. |
a | The A key. |
b | The B key. |
c | The C key. |
d | The D key. |
e | The E key. |
f | The F key. |
g | The G key. |
h | The H key. |
i | The I key. |
j | The J key. |
k | The K key. |
l | The L key. |
m | The M key. |
n | The N key. |
o | The O key. |
p | The P key. |
q | The Q key. |
r | The R key. |
s | The S key. |
t | The T key. |
u | The U key. |
v | The V key. |
w | The W key. |
x | The X key. |
y | The Y key. |
z | The Z key. |
lwin | The left Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard). |
rwin | The right Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard). |
apps | The application key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard). |
sleep | The computer sleep key. |
num_pad0 | The 0 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad1 | The 1 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad2 | The 2 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad3 | The 3 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad4 | The 4 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad5 | The 5 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad6 | The 6 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad7 | The 7 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad8 | The 8 key on the numeric keypad. |
num_pad9 | The 9 key on the numeric keypad. |
multiply | The multiply key. |
add | The add key. |
separator | The separator key. |
subtract | The subtract key. |
decimal | The decimal key. |
divide | The divide key. |
f1 | The F1 key. |
f2 | The F2 key. |
f3 | The F3 key. |
f4 | The F4 key. |
f5 | The F5 key. |
f6 | The F6 key. |
f7 | The F7 key. |
f8 | The F8 key. |
f9 | The F9 key. |
f10 | The F10 key. |
f11 | The F11 key. |
f12 | The F12 key. |
f13 | The F13 key. |
f14 | The F14 key. |
f15 | The F15 key. |
f16 | The F16 key. |
f17 | The F17 key. |
f18 | The F18 key. |
f19 | The F19 key. |
f20 | The F20 key. |
f21 | The F21 key. |
f22 | The F22 key. |
f23 | The F23 key. |
f24 | The F24 key. |
num_lock | The NUM LOCK key. |
scroll | The SCROLL LOCK key. |
lshift_key | The left SHIFT key. |
rshift_key | The right SHIFT key. |
lcontrol_key | The left CTRL key. |
rcontrol_key | The right CTRL key. |
lmenu | The left ALT key. |
rmenu | The right ALT key. |
browser_back | The browser back key. |
browser_forward | The browser forward key. |
browser_refresh | The browser refresh key. |
browser_stop | The browser stop key. |
browser_search | The browser search key. |
browser_favorites | The browser favorites key. |
browser_home | The browser home key. |
volume_mute | The volume mute key. |
volume_down | The volume down key. |
volume_up | The volume up key. |
media_next_track | The media next track key. |
media_previous_track | The media previous track key. |
media_stop | The media stop key. |
media_play_pause | The media play pause key. |
launch_mail | The launch mail key. |
select_media | The select media key. |
launch_application1 | The start application one key. |
launch_application2 | The start application two key. |
oem_semicolon | The OEM Semicolon key on a US standard keyboard. |
oem1 | The OEM 1 key. |
oem_plus | The OEM plus key on any country/region keyboard. |
oem_comma | The OEM comma key on any country/region keyboard. |
oem_minus | The OEM minus key on any country/region keyboard. |
oem_period | The OEM period key on any country/region keyboard. |
oem_question | The OEM question mark key on a US standard keyboard. |
oem2 | The OEM 2 key. |
oem_tilde | The OEM tilde key on a US standard keyboard. |
oem3 | The OEM 3 key. |
oem_open_brackets | The OEM open bracket key on a US standard keyboard. |
oem4 | The OEM 4 key. |
oem_pipe | The OEM pipe key on a US standard keyboard. |
oem5 | The OEM 5 key. |
oem_close_brackets | The OEM close bracket key on a US standard keyboard. |
oem6 | The OEM 6 key. |
oem_quotes | The OEM singled/double quote key on a US standard keyboard. |
oem7 | The OEM 7 key. |
oem8 | The OEM 8 key. |
oem_backslash | The OEM angle bracket or backslash key on the RT 102 key keyboard. |
oem102 | The OEM 102 key. |
process_key | The PROCESS KEY key. |
packet | Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The Packet key value is the low word of a 32-bit virtual-key value used for non-keyboard input methods. |
attn | The ATTN key. |
crsel | The CRSEL key. |
exsel | The EXSEL key. |
erase_eof | The ERASE EOF key. |
play | The PLAY key. |
zoom | The ZOOM key. |
no_name | A constant reserved for future use. |
pa1 | The PA1 key. |
oem_clear | The CLEAR key. |
command_key | The CMD key. |
lcommand_key | The left CMD key. |
rcommand_key | The right CMD key. |
function_key | The FUNCTION key. |
shift | The SHIFt modifier key. |
control | The CTRL modifier key.
command | The CMD modifier key.
alt | The ALT modifier key. |
option | The OPT modifier key.
meta | The METTA modifier key.
function | The FUNCTION modifier key. |
key_code | The bitmask to extract a key code from a key value. |
modifiers | The bitmask to extract modifiers from a key value. |