Specifies the execution states of a System::Threading::Thread.
Enumerator |
running | The thread_state has been started, it is not blocked, and there is no pending System::Threading::ThreadAbortException.
stop_requested | The thread_state is being requested to stop. This is for internal use only.
suspend_requested | The thread_state is being requested to suspend.
background | The thread_state is being executed as a background thread_state, as opposed to a foreground thread_state. This state is controlled by setting the System::Threading::Thread.Isbackground property.
unstarted | The System::Threading::Thread.Start() method has not been invoked on the thread_state.
stopped | The thread_state has stopped.
wait_sleep_join | The thread_state is blocked. This could be the result of calling System::Threading::Thread.Sleep(System::Int32) or System::Threading::Thread.Join(), of requesting a lock � for example, by calling System::Threading::Monitor.Enter(System::object) or System::Threading::Monitor.Wait(System::object,System::Int32,System::Boolean) or of waiting on a thread_state synchronization object such as System::Threading::ManualResetEvent.
suspended | The thread_state has been suspended.
abort_requested | The System::Threading::Thread.Abort(System::object) method has been invoked on the thread_state, but the thread_state has not yet received the pending System::Threading::ThreadAbortException that will attempt to terminate it.
aborted | The thread_state state includes System::Threading::ThreadState.abort_requested and the thread_state is now dead, but its state has not yet changed to System::Threading::ThreadState.stopped.