Gets the interval, expressed in milliseconds, at which to raise the xtd::timers::timer::elapsed event.
- Returns
- The time, in milliseconds, between xtd::timers::timer::elapsed events. The value must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to xtd::int32_object::max_value. The default is 100 milliseconds.
- Exceptions
- Note
- The system clock that is used is the same clock used by GetTickCount, which is not affected by changes made with timeBeginPeriod and timeEndPeriod.
- Note
- If xtd::timers::timer::enabled and xtd::timers::timer::auto_reset are both set to false, and the timer has previously been enabled, setting the xtd::timers::timer::interval property causes the xtd::timers::timer::elapsed event to be raised once, as if the xtd::timers::timer::enabled property had been set to true. To set the interval without raising the event, you can temporarily set the xtd::timers::timer::enabled property to true, set the xtd::timers::timer::interval property to the desired time interval, and then immediately set the xtd::timers::timer::enabled property back to false.