xtd 0.2.0
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xtd::forms::message_dialog Class Referencefinal
Inheritance diagram for xtd::forms::message_dialog:
xtd::forms::component xtd::object


Displays a message window, also known as a dialog box, which presents a message to the user. It is a modal window, blocking other actions in the application until the user closes it. A message_dialog can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user.

#include <xtd/forms/message_dialog>
Windows macOS Gnome
The following code example demonstrates the use of message_dialog dialog.
#include <xtd/forms/application>
#include <xtd/forms/button>
#include <xtd/forms/form>
#include <xtd/forms/label>
#include <xtd/forms/message_dialog>
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::forms;
class form1 : public form {
form1() {
controls().push_back_range({button_show_message, label_dialog_result});
location({400, 200});
text("Message dialog exemple");
button_show_message.location({10, 10});
button_show_message.click += [&] {
auto dialog = message_dialog {};
dialog.message("Hello, World!");
label_dialog_result.text(string::format("dialog_result = {}", dialog.show_sheet_dialog(*this)));
label_dialog_result.location({10, 55});
button button_show_message;
label label_dialog_result;
auto main() -> int {
application::run(form1 {});
static void run()
Begins running a standard application message loop on the current thread, without a form.
Represents a Windows button control.
Definition button.h:49
Represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface.
Definition form.h:54
Represents a standard Windows label.
Definition label.h:38
Displays a message window, also known as a dialog box, which presents a message to the user....
Definition message_dialog.h:42
xtd::forms::message_dialog_buttons buttons() const noexcept
Gets buttons to display in the message dialog.
@ location
Specifies that both the x and y coordinates of the control are defined.
The xtd::forms namespace contains classes for creating Windows-based applications that take full adva...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:12
The xtd namespace contains all fundamental classes to access Hardware, Os, System,...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:10
message_dialog.cpp, and message_dialog_show_sheet.cpp.

Public Events

event< message_dialog, help_event_handlerhelp_request
 Occurs when the user clicks the Help button on a common dialog box.
event< message_dialog, dialog_closed_event_handlerdialog_closed
 Occurs when the user close a message dialog box with dialog close button or other dialog buttons.

Public Constructors

 message_dialog ()
 Initializes a new instance of the message_dialog class.

Public Properties

xtd::forms::message_dialog_buttons buttons () const noexcept
 Gets buttons to display in the message dialog.
message_dialogbuttons (xtd::forms::message_dialog_buttons buttons)
 Sets buttons to display in the message dialog.
xtd::forms::message_dialog_default_button default_button () const noexcept
 Gets default button for the message dialog.
message_dialogdefault_button (xtd::forms::message_dialog_default_button default_button)
 Sets default button for the message dialog.
bool display_help_button () const noexcept
 Gets a value indicate if help button is shown.
message_dialogdisplay_help_button (bool display_help_button)
 Sets a value indicate if help button is shown.
xtd::forms::dialog_result dialog_result () const noexcept
 Gets async dialog_result result after dialog box is closing.
xtd::forms::dialog_appearance dialog_appearance () const noexcept
 Gets the dialog appearance.
message_dialogdialog_appearance (xtd::forms::dialog_appearance dialog_appearance)
 Sets the dialog appearance.
xtd::forms::message_dialog_icon icon () const noexcept
 Gets icon to display in the message dialog.
message_dialogicon (xtd::forms::message_dialog_icon icon)
 Sets icon to display in the message dialog.
xtd::forms::message_dialog_options options () const noexcept
 Gets options will be used for the message box.
message_dialogoptions (xtd::forms::message_dialog_options options)
 Sets options will be used for the message box.
xtd::string message () const noexcept
 Gets the text message.
message_dialogmessage (const xtd::string &message)
 Sets the text message.
xtd::string text () const noexcept
 Gets the dialog caption text.
message_dialogtext (const xtd::string &text)
 Sets the dialog caption text.

Public Methods

void reset ()
 Resets all properties to empty string.
xtd::forms::dialog_result show_dialog ()
 Runs message dialog box.
xtd::forms::dialog_result show_dialog (const iwin32_window &owner)
 Runs message dialog box.
void show_sheet (const iwin32_window &owner)
 Runs message dialog box.
xtd::forms::dialog_result show_sheet_dialog (const iwin32_window &owner)
 Runs message dialog box.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from xtd::object
 object ()=default
 Create a new instance of the ultimate base class object.
virtual bool equals (const object &obj) const noexcept
 Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
virtual size_t get_hash_code () const noexcept
 Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
virtual type_object get_type () const noexcept
 Gets the type of the current instance.
template<typename object_t >
xtd::uptr< object_t > memberwise_clone () const
 Creates a shallow copy of the current object.
virtual xtd::string to_string () const noexcept
 Returns a xtd::string that represents the current object.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from xtd::object
template<typename object_a_t , typename object_b_t >
static bool equals (const object_a_t &object_a, const object_b_t &object_b) noexcept
 Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal.
template<typename object_a_t , typename object_b_t >
static bool reference_equals (const object_a_t &object_a, const object_b_t &object_b) noexcept
 Determines whether the specified object instances are the same instance.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xtd::forms::component
 component ()
 Initialises a new instance of the component class.
virtual bool can_raise_events () const noexcept
 Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
bool design_mode () const noexcept
 Gets a value that indicates whether the component is currently in design mode.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ message_dialog()

xtd::forms::message_dialog::message_dialog ( )

Initializes a new instance of the message_dialog class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ buttons() [1/2]

xtd::forms::message_dialog_buttons xtd::forms::message_dialog::buttons ( ) const

Gets buttons to display in the message dialog.

One of the xtd::forms::message_dialog_buttons values that specifies which buttons to display in the message dialog.

◆ buttons() [2/2]

message_dialog & xtd::forms::message_dialog::buttons ( xtd::forms::message_dialog_buttons  buttons)

Sets buttons to display in the message dialog.

buttonsOne of the xtd::forms::message_dialog_buttons values that specifies which buttons to display in the message dialog.
Current message dialog.

◆ default_button() [1/2]

xtd::forms::message_dialog_default_button xtd::forms::message_dialog::default_button ( ) const

Gets default button for the message dialog.

One of the xtd::forms::message_dialog_default_button values that specifies the default button for the message dialog.

◆ default_button() [2/2]

message_dialog & xtd::forms::message_dialog::default_button ( xtd::forms::message_dialog_default_button  default_button)

Sets default button for the message dialog.

default_buttonOne of the xtd::forms::message_dialog_default_button values that specifies the default button for the message dialog.
Current message dialog.

◆ display_help_button() [1/2]

bool xtd::forms::message_dialog::display_help_button ( ) const

Gets a value indicate if help button is shown.

true to show the Help button; otherwise, false. The default is false.

◆ display_help_button() [2/2]

message_dialog & xtd::forms::message_dialog::display_help_button ( bool  display_help_button)

Sets a value indicate if help button is shown.

display_help_buttontrue to show the Help button; otherwise, false. The default is false.
Current message dialog.

◆ dialog_result()

xtd::forms::dialog_result xtd::forms::message_dialog::dialog_result ( ) const

Gets async dialog_result result after dialog box is closing.

ok if the user clicks OK in the dialog box; otherwise, cancel.

◆ dialog_appearance() [1/2]

xtd::forms::dialog_appearance xtd::forms::message_dialog::dialog_appearance ( ) const

Gets the dialog appearance.

One of the xtd::forms::dialog_appearance values. The default value is xtd::forms::dialog_appearance::standard.

◆ dialog_appearance() [2/2]

message_dialog & xtd::forms::message_dialog::dialog_appearance ( xtd::forms::dialog_appearance  dialog_appearance)

Sets the dialog appearance.

dialog_appearanceOne of the xtd::forms::dialog_appearance values. The default value is xtd::forms::dialog_appearance::standard.
Current message dialog.

◆ icon() [1/2]

xtd::forms::message_dialog_icon xtd::forms::message_dialog::icon ( ) const

Gets icon to display in the message dialog.

One of the xtd::forms::message_dialog_icon values that specifies which icon to display in the message dialog.

◆ icon() [2/2]

message_dialog & xtd::forms::message_dialog::icon ( xtd::forms::message_dialog_icon  icon)

Sets icon to display in the message dialog.

iconOne of the xtd::forms::message_dialog_icon values that specifies which icon to display in the message dialog.
Current message dialog.

◆ options() [1/2]

xtd::forms::message_dialog_options xtd::forms::message_dialog::options ( ) const

Gets options will be used for the message box.

One of the xtd::forms::message_dialog_options values that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box. You may pass in 0 if you wish to use the defaults.

◆ options() [2/2]

message_dialog & xtd::forms::message_dialog::options ( xtd::forms::message_dialog_options  options)

Sets options will be used for the message box.

optionsOne of the xtd::forms::message_dialog_options values that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box. You may pass in 0 if you wish to use the defaults.
Current message dialog.

◆ message() [1/2]

xtd::string xtd::forms::message_dialog::message ( ) const

Gets the text message.

The text message.

◆ message() [2/2]

message_dialog & xtd::forms::message_dialog::message ( const xtd::string message)

Sets the text message.

messageThe text message.
Current message_dialog instance.

◆ text() [1/2]

xtd::string xtd::forms::message_dialog::text ( ) const

Gets the dialog caption text.

The current dialog caption text.

◆ text() [2/2]

message_dialog & xtd::forms::message_dialog::text ( const xtd::string text)

Sets the dialog caption text.

textThe new dialog caption text.
Current message_dialog instance.

◆ reset()

void xtd::forms::message_dialog::reset ( )

Resets all properties to empty string.

◆ show_dialog() [1/2]

xtd::forms::dialog_result xtd::forms::message_dialog::show_dialog ( )

Runs message dialog box.

◆ show_dialog() [2/2]

xtd::forms::dialog_result xtd::forms::message_dialog::show_dialog ( const iwin32_window owner)

Runs message dialog box.

◆ show_sheet()

void xtd::forms::message_dialog::show_sheet ( const iwin32_window owner)

Runs message dialog box.

◆ show_sheet_dialog()

xtd::forms::dialog_result xtd::forms::message_dialog::show_sheet_dialog ( const iwin32_window owner)

Runs message dialog box.

Member Data Documentation

◆ help_request

event<message_dialog, help_event_handler> xtd::forms::message_dialog::help_request

Occurs when the user clicks the Help button on a common dialog box.

For more information about handling events, see Handling and Raising Events.

◆ dialog_closed

event<message_dialog, dialog_closed_event_handler> xtd::forms::message_dialog::dialog_closed

Occurs when the user close a message dialog box with dialog close button or other dialog buttons.

For more information about handling events, see Handling and Raising Events.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: