xtd - Reference Guide  0.1.2
Modern c++17/20 framework to create console, GUI and unit test applications on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and android.
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Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations
xtd::drawing Namespace Reference


The xtd::drawing namespace provides access to GDI+ basic graphics functionality. More advanced functionality is provided in the xtd::drawing::drawing2d, xtd::drawing::imaging, and xtd::drawing::text namespaces.


namespace  drawing2d
 The xtd::.drawing::drawing2d namespace provides advanced two-dimensional and vector graphics functionality.
namespace  imaging
 The xtd.drawing.imaging namespace provides advanced GDI+ imaging functionality. Basic graphics functionality is provided by the xtd.drawing namespace.
namespace  text
 The xtd::drawing::text namespace provides advanced GDI+ typography functionality.


class  bitmap
 Encapsulates a GDI+ bitmap, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. A bitmap is an object used to work with images defined by pixel data. More...
class  brush
 Defines objects used to fill the interiors of graphical shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths. More...
class  brushes
 brushes for all the standard colors. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  color
 Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. More...
class  colors
 colors for all the standard colors. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  font
 Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  font_family
 Defines a group of type faces having a similar basic design and certain variations in styles. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  graphics
 Defines an object used to draw lines and curves. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  icon
 Represents a Windows icon, which is a small bitmap image that is used to represent an object. Icons can be thought of as transparent bitmaps, although their size is determined by the system. More...
class  image
 An abstract base class that provides functionality for the bitmap and metafile descended classes. More...
class  pen
 Defines an object used to draw lines and curves. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  pens
 pens for all the standard colors. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  point
 Represents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. More...
class  point_f
 Represents an ordered pair of floating-point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. More...
class  rectangle
 Stores a set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle. More...
class  rectangle_f
 Stores a set of four floating-points that represent the location and size of a rectangle. More...
class  size
 Stores an ordered pair of integers, which specify a height and width. More...
class  size_f
 Stores an ordered pair of floating-point, which specify a height and width. More...
class  solid_brush
 Defines a xtd::drawing::brush of a single color. Brushes are used to fill graphics shapes, such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  string_format
 Encapsulates text layout information (such as alignment, orientation and tab stops) display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion and national digit substitution) and OpenType features. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  system_brushes
 Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_brushes class is a xtd::drawing::solid_brush that is the color of a Windows display element. More...
class  system_colors
 Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_colors class is a xtd::drawing::color structure that is the color of a Windows display element. More...
class  system_fonts
 Specifies the fonts used to display text in Windows display elements. More...
class  system_icons
 Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_icons class is an xtd::drawing::icon object for Windows system-wide icons. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  system_images
 Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_images class is an xtd::drawing::image object for Windows system-wide images. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  system_pens
 Each property of the xtd::drawing::system_pens class is a xtd::drawing::xtd::drawing::pen that is the color of a Windows display element and that has a width of 1 pixel. More...
class  texture_brush
 Each property of the xtd::drawing::texture_brush class is a xtd::drawing::brush object that uses an image to fill the interior of a shape. This class cannot be inherited. More...


enum class  dash_style {
  dash_style::solid ,
  dash_style::dash ,
  dash_style::dot ,
  dash_style::dash_dot ,
  dash_style::dash_dot_dot ,
 Specifies the style of dashed lines drawn with a xtd::drawing::pen object. More...
enum class  font_style {
  font_style::regular ,
  font_style::bold ,
  font_style::italic ,
  font_style::underline ,
 Specifies style information applied to text. This enumeration has a flags attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values. More...
enum class  graphics_unit {
  graphics_unit::world ,
  graphics_unit::display ,
  graphics_unit::pixel ,
  graphics_unit::point ,
  graphics_unit::inch ,
  graphics_unit::document ,
 Specifies the unit of measure for the given data. This enumeration has a flags attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values. More...
enum class  hotkey_prefix {
  hotkey_prefix::none ,
  hotkey_prefix::show ,
 Specifies the type of display for hot-key prefixes that relate to text. More...
enum class  known_color {
  known_color::active_border ,
  known_color::active_caption ,
  known_color::active_caption_text ,
  known_color::app_workspace ,
  known_color::control ,
  known_color::control_dark ,
  known_color::control_dark_dark ,
  known_color::control_light ,
  known_color::control_light_light ,
  known_color::control_text ,
  known_color::desktop ,
  known_color::gray_text ,
  known_color::highlight ,
  known_color::highlight_text ,
  known_color::hot_track ,
  known_color::inactive_border ,
  known_color::inactive_caption ,
  known_color::inactive_caption_text ,
  known_color::info ,
  known_color::info_text ,
  known_color::menu ,
  known_color::menu_text ,
  known_color::scroll_bar ,
  known_color::window ,
  known_color::window_frame ,
  known_color::window_text ,
  known_color::transparent ,
  known_color::alice_blue ,
  known_color::antique_white ,
  known_color::aqua ,
  known_color::aquamarine ,
  known_color::azure ,
  known_color::beige ,
  known_color::bisque ,
  known_color::black ,
  known_color::blanched_almond ,
  known_color::blue ,
  known_color::blue_violet ,
  known_color::brown ,
  known_color::burly_wood ,
  known_color::cadet_blue ,
  known_color::chartreuse ,
  known_color::chocolate ,
  known_color::coral ,
  known_color::cornflower_blue ,
  known_color::cornsilk ,
  known_color::crimson ,
  known_color::cyan ,
  known_color::dark_blue ,
  known_color::dark_cyan ,
  known_color::dark_goldenrod ,
  known_color::dark_gray ,
  known_color::dark_green ,
  known_color::dark_khaki ,
  known_color::dark_magenta ,
  known_color::dark_olive_green ,
  known_color::dark_orange ,
  known_color::dark_orchid ,
  known_color::dark_red ,
  known_color::dark_salmon ,
  known_color::dark_sea_green ,
  known_color::dark_slate_blue ,
  known_color::dark_slate_gray ,
  known_color::dark_turquoise ,
  known_color::dark_violet ,
  known_color::deep_pink ,
  known_color::deep_sky_blue ,
  known_color::dim_gray ,
  known_color::dodger_blue ,
  known_color::firebrick ,
  known_color::floral_white ,
  known_color::forest_green ,
  known_color::fuchsia ,
  known_color::gainsboro ,
  known_color::ghost_white ,
  known_color::gold ,
  known_color::goldenrod ,
  known_color::gray ,
  known_color::green ,
  known_color::green_yellow ,
  known_color::honeydew ,
  known_color::hot_pink ,
  known_color::indian_red ,
  known_color::indigo ,
  known_color::ivory ,
  known_color::khaki ,
  known_color::lavender ,
  known_color::lavender_blush ,
  known_color::lawn_green ,
  known_color::lemon_chiffon ,
  known_color::light_blue ,
  known_color::light_coral ,
  known_color::light_cyan ,
  known_color::light_goldenrod_yellow ,
  known_color::light_gray ,
  known_color::light_green ,
  known_color::light_pink ,
  known_color::light_salmon ,
  known_color::light_sea_green ,
  known_color::light_sky_blue ,
  known_color::light_slate_gray ,
  known_color::light_steel_blue ,
  known_color::light_yellow ,
  known_color::lime ,
  known_color::lime_green ,
  known_color::linen ,
  known_color::magenta ,
  known_color::maroon ,
  known_color::medium_aquamarine ,
  known_color::medium_blue ,
  known_color::medium_orchid ,
  known_color::medium_purple ,
  known_color::medium_sea_green ,
  known_color::medium_slate_blue ,
  known_color::medium_spring_green ,
  known_color::medium_turquoise ,
  known_color::medium_violet_red ,
  known_color::midnight_blue ,
  known_color::mint_cream ,
  known_color::misty_rose ,
  known_color::moccasin ,
  known_color::navajo_white ,
  known_color::navy ,
  known_color::old_lace ,
  known_color::olive ,
  known_color::olive_drab ,
  known_color::orange ,
  known_color::orange_red ,
  known_color::orchid ,
  known_color::pale_goldenrod ,
  known_color::pale_green ,
  known_color::pale_turquoise ,
  known_color::pale_violet_red ,
  known_color::papaya_whip ,
  known_color::peach_puff ,
  known_color::peru ,
  known_color::pink ,
  known_color::plum ,
  known_color::powder_blue ,
  known_color::purple ,
  known_color::rebecca_purple ,
  known_color::red ,
  known_color::rosy_brown ,
  known_color::royal_blue ,
  known_color::saddle_brown ,
  known_color::salmon ,
  known_color::sandy_brown ,
  known_color::sea_green ,
  known_color::sea_shell ,
  known_color::sienna ,
  known_color::silver ,
  known_color::sky_blue ,
  known_color::slate_blue ,
  known_color::slate_gray ,
  known_color::snow ,
  known_color::spring_green ,
  known_color::steel_blue ,
  known_color::tan ,
  known_color::teal ,
  known_color::thistle ,
  known_color::tomato ,
  known_color::turquoise ,
  known_color::violet ,
  known_color::wheat ,
  known_color::white ,
  known_color::white_smoke ,
  known_color::yellow ,
  known_color::yellow_green ,
  known_color::button_face ,
  known_color::button_highlight ,
  known_color::button_shadow ,
  known_color::gradient_active_caption ,
  known_color::gradient_inactive_caption ,
  known_color::menu_bar ,
  known_color::menu_highlight ,
  known_color::accent ,
  known_color::accent_text ,
  known_color::text_box ,
 Specifies the known system colors. More...
enum class  string_alignment {
  string_alignment::near ,
  string_alignment::center ,
 Specifies the alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle. More...
enum class  string_format_flags {
  string_format_flags::direction_right_to_left ,
  string_format_flags::direction_vertical ,
  string_format_flags::fit_black_box ,
  string_format_flags::display_format_control ,
  string_format_flags::no_font_fallback ,
  string_format_flags::measure_trailing_spaces ,
  string_format_flags::no_wrap ,
  string_format_flags::line_limit ,
 Specifies the display and layout information for text strings. This enumeration allows a bitwise combination of its member values. More...
enum class  string_trimming {
  string_trimming::none ,
  string_trimming::character ,
  string_trimming::word ,
  string_trimming::ellipsis_character ,
  string_trimming::ellipsis_word ,
 Specifies how to trim characters from a string that does not completely fit into a layout shape. More...