| numeric_up_down () |
| Initializes a new instance of the numeric_up_down class.
virtual double | decimal_place () |
| Gets the number of decimal places to display in the spin box (also known as an up-down control). This property doesn't affect the value property.
virtual numeric_up_down & | decimal_place (int32_t value) |
| Sets the number of decimal places to display in the spin box (also known as an up-down control). This property doesn't affect the value property.
virtual double | increment () |
| Gets the value to increment or decrement the spin box (also known as an up-down control) when the up or down buttons are clicked.
virtual numeric_up_down & | increment (double value) |
| Sets the value to increment or decrement the spin box (also known as an up-down control) when the up or down buttons are clicked.
virtual double | maximum () |
| Gets the maximum value for the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
virtual numeric_up_down & | maximum (double value) |
| Sets the maximum value for the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
virtual double | minimum () |
| Gets the minimum allowed value for the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
virtual numeric_up_down & | minimum (double value) |
| Sets the minimum allowed value for the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
void | set_range (int min_value, int max_value) |
| Sets the minimum and maximum values for a track_bar.
xtd::ustring | to_string () const noexcept override |
| Returns a string that represents the track_bar control.
virtual double | value () |
| Gets the value assigned to the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
virtual numeric_up_down & | value (double value) |
| Sets the value assigned to the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
virtual bool | wrapped () |
| Get a value indicate if value can be wrapped.
virtual numeric_up_down & | wrapped (bool value) |
| Set a value indicate if value can be wrapped.
virtual forms::border_style | border_style () const |
| Gets the border style for the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
virtual up_down_base & | border_style (forms::border_style value) |
| Sets the border style for the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
std::optional< control_ref > | active_control () const |
| Gets the active control on the container control.
void | active_control (const control &active_control) |
| Sets the active control on the container control.
void | active_control (std::nullptr_t) |
| Resets the active control on the container control.
virtual bool | auto_scroll () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the container enables the user to scroll to any controls placed outside of its visible boundaries.
virtual scrollable_control & | auto_scroll (bool auto_scroll) |
| Sets a value indicating whether the container enables the user to scroll to any controls placed outside of its visible boundaries.
drawing::size | auto_scroll_margin () const |
| Gets the size of the auto-scroll margin.
scrollable_control & | auto_scroll_margin (const drawing::size &value) |
| Sets the size of the auto-scroll margin.
drawing::rectangle | display_rectangle () const override |
| Gets the rectangle that represents the virtual display area of the control.
virtual bool | h_scroll () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible.
virtual scrollable_control & | h_scroll (bool h_scroll) |
| Sets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible.
virtual bool | v_scroll () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible.
virtual scrollable_control & | v_scroll (bool v_scroll) |
| Sets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible.
| control () |
| Initializes a new instance of the control class with default settings.
| control (const control &parent, const xtd::ustring &text) |
| Initializes a new instance of the control class as a child control, with specific text.
| control (const control &parent, const xtd::ustring &text, int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t width, int32_t height) |
| Initializes a new instance of the control class as a child control, with specific text, size, and location.
| control (const xtd::ustring &text) |
| Initializes a new instance of the control class with specific text.
| control (const xtd::ustring &text, int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t width, int32_t height) |
| Initializes a new instance of the control class with specific text, size, and location.
virtual anchor_styles | anchor () const |
| Gets the edges of the container to which a control is bound and determines how a control is resized with its parent.
virtual control & | anchor (anchor_styles anchor) |
| Gets the edges of the container to which a control is bound and determines how a control is resized with its parent.
virtual drawing::point | auto_scroll_point () const |
| Gets where this control is scrolled to in scroll_control_into_view(control).
virtual bool | auto_size () const |
| Gets a value that indicates whether the control resizes based on its contents.
virtual control & | auto_size (bool auto_size) |
| Sets a value that indicates whether the control resizes based on its contents.
virtual drawing::color | back_color () const |
| Gets the background color for the control.
virtual control & | back_color (const drawing::color &color) |
| Sets the background color for the control.
virtual const xtd::drawing::image & | background_image () const |
| Gets the background image displayed in the control.
virtual control & | background_image (const xtd::drawing::image &background_image) |
| Sets the background image displayed in the control.
virtual xtd::forms::image_layout | background_image_layout () const |
| Gets the background image layout as defined in the xtd::forms::image_layout enumeration.
virtual control & | background_image_layout (xtd::forms::image_layout background_image_layout) |
| Sets the background image layout as defined in the xtd::forms::image_layout enumeration.
std::shared_ptr< xtd::iasync_result > | begin_invoke (delegate< void()> value) |
| Executes the specified delegate asynchronously on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on.
std::shared_ptr< xtd::iasync_result > | begin_invoke (delegate< void(std::vector< std::any >)> value, const std::vector< std::any > &args) |
| Executes the specified delegate asynchronously with the specified arguments, on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on.
virtual int32_t | bottom () const |
| Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area.
virtual drawing::rectangle | bounds () const |
| Gets the size and location of the control including its nonclient elements, in pixels, relative to the parent control.
virtual control & | bounds (const drawing::rectangle &bounds) |
| Sets the size and location of the control including its nonclient elements, in pixels, relative to the parent control.
virtual void | bring_to_front () |
| Brings the control to the front of the z-order.
virtual bool | can_focus () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the control can receive focus.
bool | can_raise_events () const override |
| Determines if events can be raised on the control.
virtual bool | can_select () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the control can be selected.
virtual const drawing::rectangle & | client_rectangle () const |
| Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the control.
virtual const drawing::size & | client_size () const |
| Gets the height and width of the client area of the control.
virtual control & | client_size (const drawing::size &client_size) |
| Sets the height and width of the client area of the control.
virtual xtd::ustring | company_name () const |
| Gets the name of the company or creator of the application containing the control.
virtual control_collection & | controls () |
| Gets the collection of controls contained within the control.
virtual const control_collection & | controls () const |
| Gets the collection of controls contained within the control.
void | create_control () |
| Forces the creation of the visible control, including the creation of the handle and any visible child controls.
drawing::graphics | create_graphics () const |
| Creates the xtd::drawing::graphics for the control.
virtual void | create_handle () |
| Creates a handle for the control.
virtual bool | created () |
| Gets a value indicating whether the control has been created.
virtual forms::cursor | cursor () const |
| Gets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control.
virtual control & | cursor (const forms::cursor &cursor) |
| Sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control.
virtual drawing::color | default_back_color () const |
| Gets the default background color of the control.
virtual forms::cursor | default_cursor () const |
| Gets the default cursor for the control.
virtual drawing::font | default_font () const |
| Gets the default font of the control.
virtual drawing::color | default_fore_color () const |
| Gets the default foreground color of the control.
virtual drawing::size | default_size () const |
| Gets the default size of the control.
virtual void | destroy_control () |
| Forces the destruction of the visible control, including the destruction of the handle and any visible child controls.
virtual void | destroy_handle () |
| Destroys the handle associated with the control.
virtual drawing::rectangle | display_rectangle () const |
| Gets the rectangle that represents the display area of the control.
virtual dock_style | dock () const |
| Gets or sets which control borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a control is resized with its parent.
virtual control & | dock (dock_style dock) |
| Sets or sets which control borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a control is resized with its parent.
virtual bool | double_buffered () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer to reduce or prevent flicker.
virtual control & | double_buffered (bool double_buffered) |
| Sets a value indicating whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer to reduce or prevent flicker.
virtual bool | enabled () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction.
virtual control & | enabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction.
void | end_invoke (std::shared_ptr< xtd::iasync_result > async) |
| Retrieves the return value of the asynchronous operation represented by the async_result_invoke passed.
bool | focus () |
| Sets input focus to the control.
virtual bool | focused () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the control has input focus.
virtual drawing::font | font () const |
| Gets the font of the text displayed by the control.
virtual control & | font (const drawing::font &font) |
| Sets the font of the text displayed by the control.
virtual drawing::color | fore_color () const |
| Gets the foreground color of the control.
virtual control & | fore_color (const drawing::color &color) |
| Sets the foreground color of the control.
size_t | get_child_index (intptr_t child) const |
| Retrieves the index of a control within the control collection.
size_t | get_child_index (intptr_t child, bool &throw_exception) const |
| Retrieves the index of the specified child control within the control collection, and optionally raises an exception if the specified control is not within the control collection.
intptr_t | handle () const override |
| Gets the window handle that the control is bound to.
virtual int32_t | height () const |
| Gets the height of the control.
virtual control & | height (int32_t height) |
| Sets the height of the control.
virtual void | hide () |
| Conceals the control from the user.
virtual void | invalidate () const |
| Invalidates the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn.
virtual void | invalidate (bool invalidate_children) const |
| Invalidates a specific region of the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control.
virtual void | invalidate (const drawing::rectangle &rect) const |
| Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.
virtual void | invalidate (const drawing::rectangle &rect, bool invalidate_children) const |
| Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control.
void | invoke (delegate< void()> value) |
| Executes the specified delegate on the thread that owns the control's underlying window handle.
void | invoke (delegate< void(std::vector< std::any >)> value, const std::vector< std::any > &args) |
| Executes the specified delegate, on the thread that owns the control's underlying window handle, with the specified list of arguments.
bool | is_handle_created () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the control has a handle associated with it.
virtual int32_t | left () const |
| Gets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area.
virtual control & | left (int32_t left) |
| Sets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area.
virtual drawing::point | location () const |
| Gets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container.
virtual control & | location (const drawing::point &location) |
| Sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container.
virtual forms::padding | margin () const |
| Gets the space between controls.
virtual control & | margin (const forms::padding &margin) |
| Sets the space between controls.
virtual const drawing::size & | maximum_size () const |
| Gets the size that is the upper limit that xtd::forms::control::get_preferred_size can specify.
virtual control & | maximum_size (const drawing::size &size) |
| Sets the size that is the upper limit that xtd::forms::control::get_preferred_size can specify.
virtual const drawing::size & | minimum_size () const |
| Gets the size that is the lower limit that xtd::forms::control::get_preferred_size can specify.
virtual control & | minimum_size (const drawing::size &size) |
| Sets the size that is the lower limit that xtd::forms::control::get_preferred_size can specify.
virtual const xtd::ustring & | name () const |
| Gets the name of the control.
virtual control & | name (const xtd::ustring &name) |
| Sets the name of the control.
virtual forms::padding | padding () const |
| Gets padding within the control.
virtual control & | padding (const forms::padding &padding) |
| Sets padding within the control.
virtual std::optional< control_ref > | parent () const |
| Gets the parent container of the control.
virtual control & | parent (const control &parent) |
| Sets the parent container of the control.
virtual control & | parent (std::nullptr_t) |
| Resets the parent container of the control.
void | perform_layout () |
| Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls.
xtd::drawing::point | point_to_client (const xtd::drawing::point &p) |
| Computes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates.
xtd::drawing::point | point_to_screen (const xtd::drawing::point &p) |
| Computes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates.
virtual bool | pre_process_message (xtd::forms::message &message) |
| Preprocesses keyboard or input messages within the message loop before they are dispatched.
virtual xtd::ustring | product_name () const |
| Gets the product name of the assembly containing the control.
bool | recreating_handle () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the control is currently re-creating its handle.
virtual void | refresh () const |
| Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls.
void | resume_layout () |
| Resumes usual layout logic.
void | resume_layout (bool perform_layout) |
| Resumes usual layout logic, optionally forcing an immediate layout of pending layout requests.
virtual int32_t | right () const |
| Gets the distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area.
intptr_t | send_message (intptr_t hwnd, int32_t msg, intptr_t wparam, intptr_t lparam) const |
| Send a message with specified hwnd, message, wparam and lparam.
void | set_auto_size_mode (auto_size_mode auto_size_mode) |
| Sets a value indicating how a control will behave when its auto_size property is enabled.
void | set_bounds (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) |
| Sets the bounds of the control to the specified location and size.
void | set_bounds (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height, bounds_specified specified) |
| Sets the specified bounds of the control to the specified location and size.
virtual void | show () |
| Displays the control to the user.
virtual const drawing::size & | size () const |
| Gets the height and width of the control.
virtual control & | size (const drawing::size &size) |
| Sets the height and width of the control.
void | suspend_layout () |
| Temporarily suspends the layout logic for the control.
virtual std::any | tag () const |
| Gets the object that contains data about the control.
virtual control & | tag (std::any tag) |
| Sets the object that contains data about the control.
virtual const xtd::ustring & | text () const |
| Gets the text associated with this control.
virtual control & | text (const xtd::ustring &text) |
| Sets the text associated with this control.
xtd::ustring | to_string () const noexcept override |
| Returns a string containing the name of the control, if any.
virtual int32_t | top () const |
| Gets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area.
virtual control & | top (int32_t top) |
| Sets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area.
virtual std::optional< control_ref > | top_level_control () const |
| Gets the parent control that is not parented by another Windows Forms control. Typically, this is the outermost Form that the control is contained in.
virtual void | update () const |
| Causes the control to redraw the invalidated regions within its client area.
virtual bool | visible () const |
| Gets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed.
virtual control & | visible (bool visible) |
| Sets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed.
virtual int32_t | width () const |
| Gets the width of the control.
virtual control & | width (int32_t width) |
| Sets the width of the control.
| object ()=default |
| Create a new instance of the ultimate base class object.
virtual bool | equals (const object &obj) const noexcept |
| Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
virtual size_t | get_hash_code () const noexcept |
| Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
template<typename object_t > |
std::unique_ptr< object_t > | memberwise_clone () const |
| Gets the type of the current instance.
virtual xtd::ustring | to_string () const noexcept |
| Returns a std::string that represents the current object.
virtual intptr_t | handle () const =0 |
| Gets the handle to the window represented by the implementer.