Initializes a new instance of the xtd::uri class based on the combination of a specified base xtd::uri instance and a relative xtd::uri instance.
base_uri | : An absolute xtd::uri that is the base for the new xtd::uri instance. |
relative_uri | : A relative xtd::uri instance that is combined with base_uri. |
xtd::uri_format_exception | The URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri is empty or contains only spaces. -or- The scheme specified in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri is not valid. -or- The URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri contains too many slashes. -or- The password specified in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri is not valid. -or- The host name specified in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri is not valid. -or- The file name specified in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri is not valid. -or- The user name specified in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri is not valid. -or- The host or authority name specified in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri cannot be terminated by backslashes. -or- The port number specified in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri is not valid or cannot be parsed. -or- The length of the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri exceeds 65519 characters. -or- The length of the scheme specified in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri exceeds 1023 characters. -or- There is an invalid character sequence in the URI formed by combining base_uri and relative_uri. -or- The MS-DOS path specified in uriString must start with c:\. |