Specifies the known system colors.
Enumerator |
transparent | A system-defined color.
alice_blue | A system-defined color.
antique_white | A system-defined color.
aqua | A system-defined color.
aquamarine | A system-defined color.
azure | A system-defined color.
beige | A system-defined color.
bisque | A system-defined color.
black | A system-defined color.
blanched_almond | A system-defined color.
blue | A system-defined color.
blue_violet | A system-defined color.
brown | A system-defined color.
burly_wood | A system-defined color.
cadet_blue | A system-defined color.
chartreuse | A system-defined color.
chocolate | A system-defined color.
coral | A system-defined color.
cornflower_blue | A system-defined color.
cornsilk | A system-defined color.
crimson | A system-defined color.
cyan | A system-defined color.
dark_blue | A system-defined color.
dark_cyan | A system-defined color.
dark_goldenrod | A system-defined color.
dark_gray | A system-defined color.
dark_green | A system-defined color.
dark_khaki | A system-defined color.
dark_magenta | A system-defined color.
dark_olive_green | A system-defined color.
dark_orange | A system-defined color.
dark_orchid | A system-defined color.
dark_red | A system-defined color.
dark_salmon | A system-defined color.
dark_sea_green | A system-defined color.
dark_slate_blue | A system-defined color.
dark_slate_gray | A system-defined color.
dark_turquoise | A system-defined color.
dark_violet | A system-defined color.
deep_pink | A system-defined color.
deep_sky_blue | A system-defined color.
dim_gray | A system-defined color.
dodger_blue | A system-defined color.
firebrick | A system-defined color.
floral_white | A system-defined color.
forest_green | A system-defined color.
fuchsia | A system-defined color.
gainsboro | A system-defined color.
ghost_white | A system-defined color.
gold | A system-defined color.
goldenrod | A system-defined color.
gray | A system-defined color.
green | A system-defined color.
green_yellow | A system-defined color.
honeydew | A system-defined color.
hot_pink | A system-defined color.
indian_red | A system-defined color.
indigo | A system-defined color.
ivory | A system-defined color.
khaki | A system-defined color.
lavender | A system-defined color.
lavender_blush | A system-defined color.
lawn_green | A system-defined color.
lemon_chiffon | A system-defined color.
light_blue | A system-defined color.
light_coral | A system-defined color.
light_cyan | A system-defined color.
light_goldenrod_yellow | A system-defined color.
light_gray | A system-defined color.
light_green | A system-defined color.
light_pink | A system-defined color.
light_salmon | A system-defined color.
light_sea_green | A system-defined color.
light_sky_blue | A system-defined color.
light_slate_gray | A system-defined color.
light_steel_blue | A system-defined color.
light_yellow | A system-defined color.
lime | A system-defined color.
lime_green | A system-defined color.
linen | A system-defined color.
magenta | A system-defined color.
maroon | A system-defined color.
medium_aquamarine | A system-defined color.
medium_blue | A system-defined color.
medium_orchid | A system-defined color.
medium_purple | A system-defined color.
medium_sea_green | A system-defined color.
medium_slate_blue | A system-defined color.
medium_spring_green | A system-defined color.
medium_turquoise | A system-defined color.
medium_violet_red | A system-defined color.
midnight_blue | A system-defined color.
mint_cream | A system-defined color.
misty_rose | A system-defined color.
moccasin | A system-defined color.
navajo_white | A system-defined color.
navy | A system-defined color.
old_lace | A system-defined color.
olive | A system-defined color.
olive_drab | A system-defined color.
orange | A system-defined color.
orange_red | A system-defined color.
orchid | A system-defined color.
pale_goldenrod | A system-defined color.
pale_green | A system-defined color.
pale_turquoise | A system-defined color.
pale_violet_red | A system-defined color.
papaya_whip | A system-defined color.
peach_puff | A system-defined color.
peru | A system-defined color.
pink | A system-defined color.
plum | A system-defined color.
powder_blue | A system-defined color.
purple | A system-defined color.
rebecca_purple | A system-defined color.
red | A system-defined color.
rosy_brown | A system-defined color.
royal_blue | A system-defined color.
saddle_brown | A system-defined color.
salmon | A system-defined color.
sandy_brown | A system-defined color.
sea_green | A system-defined color.
sea_shell | A system-defined color.
sienna | A system-defined color.
silver | A system-defined color.
sky_blue | A system-defined color.
slate_blue | A system-defined color.
slate_gray | A system-defined color.
snow | A system-defined color.
spring_green | A system-defined color.
steel_blue | A system-defined color.
tan | A system-defined color.
teal | A system-defined color.
thistle | A system-defined color.
tomato | A system-defined color.
turquoise | A system-defined color.
violet | A system-defined color.
wheat | A system-defined color.
white | A system-defined color.
white_smoke | A system-defined color.
yellow | A system-defined color.
yellow_green | A system-defined color.
apple_black | A system-defined color.
apple_blue | A system-defined color.
apple_brown | A system-defined color.
apple_cyan | A system-defined color.
apple_green | A system-defined color.
apple_magenta | A system-defined color.
apple_orange | A system-defined color.
apple_purple | A system-defined color.
apple_red | A system-defined color.
apple_yellow | A system-defined color.
apple_white | A system-defined color.
crayons_licorice | A system-defined color.
crayons_lead | A system-defined color.
crayons_tungsten | A system-defined color.
crayons_iron | A system-defined color.
crayons_steel | A system-defined color.
crayons_tin | A system-defined color.
crayons_nickel | A system-defined color.
crayons_aluminium | A system-defined color.
crayons_magnesium | A system-defined color.
crayons_silver | A system-defined color.
crayons_mercury | A system-defined color.
crayons_snow | A system-defined color.
crayons_cayenne | A system-defined color.
crayons_mocha | A system-defined color.
crayons_asparagus | A system-defined color.
crayons_fern | A system-defined color.
crayons_clover | A system-defined color.
crayons_moss | A system-defined color.
crayons_teal | A system-defined color.
crayons_ocean | A system-defined color.
crayons_midnight | A system-defined color.
crayons_eggplant | A system-defined color.
crayons_plum | A system-defined color.
crayons_maroon | A system-defined color.
crayons_maraschino | A system-defined color.
crayons_tangerine | A system-defined color.
crayons_lemon | A system-defined color.
crayons_lime | A system-defined color.
crayons_spring | A system-defined color.
crayons_sea_foam | A system-defined color.
crayons_turquoise | A system-defined color.
crayons_aqua | A system-defined color.
crayons_blueberry | A system-defined color.
crayons_grape | A system-defined color.
crayons_magenta | A system-defined color.
crayons_strawberry | A system-defined color.
crayons_salmon | A system-defined color.
crayons_cantaloupe | A system-defined color.
crayons_banana | A system-defined color.
crayons_honeydew | A system-defined color.
crayons_flora | A system-defined color.
crayons_spindrift | A system-defined color.
crayons_ice | A system-defined color.
crayons_sky | A system-defined color.
crayons_orchid | A system-defined color.
crayons_lavendar | A system-defined color.
crayons_bubblegum | A system-defined color.
crayons_carnation | A system-defined color.
accent | The system-defined color of the accent color (macos specific. On other platform is same as menu_highlight).
accent_text | The system-defined color of the accent text color (macos specific. On other platform is same as highlight_text).
active_border | The system-defined color of the active window's border.
active_caption | The system-defined color of the background of the active window's title bar.
active_caption_text | The system-defined color of the text in the active window's title bar.
active_text | The active text color is the text color of an html link text when mouse down.
app_workspace | The system-defined color of the application workspace. The application workspace is the area in a multiple-document view that is not being occupied by documents.
button_face | The system-defined face color of a 3-D element.
button_highlight | The system-defined color that is the highlight color of a 3-D element. This color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face the light source.
button_shadow | The system-defined color that is the shadow color of a 3-D element. This color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face away from the light source.
control | The system-defined face color of a 3-D element.
control_dark | The system-defined shadow color of a 3-D element. The shadow color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face away from the light source.
control_dark_dark | The system-defined color that is the dark shadow color of a 3-D element. The dark shadow color is applied to the parts of a 3-D element that are the darkest color.
control_light | The system-defined color that is the light color of a 3-D element. The light color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face the light source.
control_light_light | The system-defined highlight color of a 3-D element. The highlight color is applied to the parts of a 3-D element that are the lightest color.
control_text | The system-defined color of text in a 3-D element.
desktop | The system-defined color of the desktop.
gradient_active_caption | The system-defined color of the lightest color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar.
gradient_inactive_caption | The system-defined color of the lightest color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar.
gray_text | The system-defined color of dimmed text. Items in a list that are disabled are displayed in dimmed text.
highlight | The system-defined color of the background of selected items. This includes selected menu items as well as selected text.
highlight_text | The system-defined color of the text of selected items.
hot_track | The system-defined color used to designate a hot-tracked item. Single-clicking a hot-tracked item executes the item.
inactive_border | The system-defined color of an inactive window's border.
inactive_caption | The system-defined color of the background of an inactive window's title bar.
inactive_caption_text | The system-defined color of the text in an inactive window's title bar.
info | The system-defined color of the background of a ToolTip.
info_text | The system-defined color of the text of a ToolTip.
link_text | The link text color is the text color of an html link text.
menu | The system-defined color of a menu's background.
menu_bar | The system-defined color of the background of a menu bar.
menu_highlight | The system-defined color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu.
menu_text | The system-defined color of a menu's text.
scroll_bar | The system-defined color of the background of a scroll bar.
shadow_text | The system-defined color of the shadow text.
text_box | The system-defined color of the accent color (macos specific. On other platform is same as window).
text_box_text | The system-defined color of the accent text color (macos specific. On other platform is same as window_text).
visited_text | The visited text color is the text color of an html visited link text.
window | The system-defined color of the background in the client area of a window.
window_frame | The system-defined color of a window frame.
window_text | The system-defined color of the text in the client area of a window.