xtd 0.2.0
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xtd::iobservable< type_t > Class Template Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for xtd::iobservable< type_t >:


template<typename type_t>
class xtd::iobservable< type_t >

Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications.

Template Parameters
type_tThe object that provides notification information. This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived.
The following example illustrates the observer design pattern. It defines a location class that contains latitude and longitude information.
struct location {
location(double latitude, double longitude) : latitutde_(latitude), longitude_(longitude) {}
double latitude() const noexcept {return latitutde_;}
double longitude() const noexcept {return longitude_;}
double latitutde_ = .0;
double longitude_ = .0;
The location_tracker class provides the xtd::iobservable implementation. Its track_location method is passed a nullable location object that contains the latitude and longitude data. If the Location value is not nullopt, the track_location method calls the xtd::iobserver::on_next method of each observer.
class location_tracker : public iobservable<location> {
location_tracker() = default;
void subscribe(iobserver<location>& observer) noexcept override {
if (find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), &observer) == observers_.end())
void unsubscribe(iobserver<location>& observer) noexcept override {
auto iterator = find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), &observer);
if (iterator != observers_.end())
void track_location(optional<location> loc) {
for (auto observer : observers_) {
if (!loc.has_value())
void end_transmission() {
for (auto observer : observers_)
std::vector<iobserver<location>*> observers_;
Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications.
Definition iobservable.h:155
Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications.
Definition iobserver.h:154
If the location value is nullopt, the tack_location method instantiates a location_unknown_exception object, which is shown in the following example. It then calls each observer's on_error method and passes it the location_unknown_exception object. Note that location_unknown_exception derives from xtd::exception, but does not add any new members.
class location_unknown_exception : public exception {
location_unknown_exception() {}
Defines the base class for predefined exceptions in the xtd namespace.
Definition exception.h:28
Observers subscribe to receive notifications from an location_tracker object by calling its xtd::iobservable::subscribe method. And unsubscribe by calling its xtd::unobservable <type_t>unsubscribe method. The location_tracker class also includes an @ end_transmission method. When no further location data is available, this method calls each observer's xtd::iobserver::on_completed method, and then clears the internal list of observers.

In this example, the location_reporter class provides the xtd::iobserver implementation. It displays information about the current location to the console. Its constructor includes a name parameter, which allows the location_reporter instance to identify itself in its string output. It also includes a subscribe method, which wraps a call to the provider's xtd::iobservable::subscribe method. The location_reporter class also includes an unsubscribe method, to remove the subscription. The following code defines the location_reporter class.

class location_reporter : iobserver<location> {
location_reporter(string name) : name_(name) {}
virtual ~location_reporter() {unsubscribe();}
string name() const noexcept {return name_;}
virtual void subscribe(iobservable<location>& provider) {
provider_ = &provider;
void on_completed() noexcept override {
console::write_line("The location Tracker has completed transmitting data to {}.", name());
void on_error(const exception& e) noexcept override {
console::write_line("{}: The location cannot be determined.", name());
void on_next(const location& value) noexcept override {
console::write_line("{}: The current location is {}, {}", name(), value.latitude(), value.longitude());
virtual void unsubscribe() {
if (provider_ != nullptr) provider_->unsubscribe(*this);
provider_ = nullptr;
string name_;
iobservable<location>* provider_ = nullptr;

The following code then instantiates the provider and the observer.

auto main() -> int {
// Define a provider and two observers.
location_tracker provider;
location_reporter reporter1 {"Fixed GPS"};
location_reporter reporter2 {"Mobile GPS"};
provider.track_location(location {47.6456, -122.1312});
provider.track_location(location {47.6677, -122.1199});
// The example displays output similar to the following:
// Fixed GPS: The current location is 47.6456, -122.1312
// Mobile GPS: The current location is 47.6456, -122.1312
// Mobile GPS: The current location is 47.6677, -122.1199
// Mobile GPS: The location cannot be determined.
// The location Tracker has completed transmitting data to Mobile GPS.
constexpr null_opt nullopt
Represents a nullopt value. Used to indicate that an std::optional does not contain a value.
Definition nullopt.h:26

See You can show this example here

The xtd::iobserver and xtd::iobservable <type_t> interfaces provide a generalized mechanism for push-based notification, also known as the observer design pattern. The xtd::iobservable interface represents the class that sends notifications (the provider); the xtd::io::bserver <type_t> interface represents the class that receives them (the observer). type_t represents the class that provides the notification information. In some push-based notifications, the xtd::iobserver <type_t> implementation and type_t can represent the same type.
The provider must implement two methods :
* xtd::iobservable::subscribe, that indicates that an observer wants to receive push-based notifications.
* xtd::iobservable::unsubscribe, that indicates that an observer no longer wants receive push-based notifications.
At any given time, a given provider may have zero, one, or multiple observers. The provider is responsible for storing references to observers and ensuring that they are valid before it sends notifications. The xtd::iobservable interface does not make any assumptions about the number of observers or the order in which notifications are sent.
The provider sends the following three kinds of notifications to the observer by calling xtd::iobserver methods:
* The current data. The provider can call the xtd::iobserver::on_next method to pass the observer a type_t object that has current data, changed data, or fresh data.
* An error condition. The provider can call the xtd::iobserver::on_error method to notify the observer that some error condition has occurred.
* No further data. The provider can call the xtd::iobserver::on_completed method to notify the observer that it has finished sending notifications.

Public Methods

virtual void subscribe (iobserver< type_t > &observer) noexcept=0
 Notifies the provider that an observer is to receive notifications.
virtual void unsubscribe (iobserver< type_t > &observer) noexcept=0
 Notifies the provider that an observer no longer wants to receive notifications.

Member Function Documentation

◆ subscribe()

template<typename type_t >
virtual void xtd::iobservable< type_t >::subscribe ( iobserver< type_t > &  observer)
pure virtualnoexcept

Notifies the provider that an observer is to receive notifications.

observerThe object that is to receive notifications.

◆ unsubscribe()

template<typename type_t >
virtual void xtd::iobservable< type_t >::unsubscribe ( iobserver< type_t > &  observer)
pure virtualnoexcept

Notifies the provider that an observer no longer wants to receive notifications.

observerThe object that no longer wants to receive notifications.

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