xtd 0.2.0
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xtd::forms::native::message_notifier Class Referencefinal
Inheritance diagram for xtd::forms::native::message_notifier:

Protected Static Methods

static void show (intptr hwnd, const xtd::string &title, const xtd::string &message, const xtd::drawing::icon &icon, uint32 style, bool close_timeout_enabled, std::chrono::system_clock::duration close_timeout_interval, xtd::delegate< void()> on_notifier_closed)
 Shows message notifier.

Member Function Documentation

◆ show()

static void xtd::forms::native::message_notifier::show ( intptr  hwnd,
const xtd::string title,
const xtd::string message,
const xtd::drawing::icon icon,
uint32  style,
bool  close_timeout_enabled,
std::chrono::system_clock::duration  close_timeout_interval,
xtd::delegate< void()>  on_notifier_closed 

Shows message notifier.

hwndParent window handle.
titleThe title text.
messageThe message text.
iconThe icon associate to the notifier.
styleThe Style (see ... for more informations).
close_timeout_enabledtrue to enable close timeout; otherwhise false.
close_timeout_intervalInterval for close time out in milliseconds.
on_notifier_closedThe delagate called when message notifier is closed.
Internal use only

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