xtd 0.2.0
No Matches

Demonstrates how to create a simple xtd::diagnostics::stack_trace class and iterate through its frames to obtain debugging and diagnostic information.

#include <xtd/diagnostics/stack_trace>
#include <xtd/console>
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::diagnostics;
class stack_trace_sample {
void my_public_method() {
void my_protected_method() {
auto mic = my_internal_class {};
class my_internal_class {
void throws_exception() {
try {
throw system_exception("A problem was encountered.");
} catch (const system_exception&) {
// Create a StackTrace that captures filename, line number and column information.
auto st = stack_trace {true};
string stack_indent = "";
for (auto i = 0ul; i < st.frame_count(); i++) {
// Note that at this level, there are four stack frames, one for each method invocation.
auto sf = st.get_frame(i);
console::write_line(stack_indent + " Method: {0}", sf.get_method());
console::write_line(stack_indent + " File: {0}", sf.get_file_name());
console::write_line(stack_indent + " Line Number: {0}", sf.get_file_line_number());
stack_indent += " ";
auto main() -> int {
auto sample = stack_trace_sample {};
try {
} catch (const system_exception&) {
// Create a StackTrace that captures filename, line number, and column information for the current thread.
auto st = stack_trace {true};
for (auto i = 0ul; i < st.frame_count(); i++) {
// Note that high up the call stack, there is only one stack frame.
auto sf = st.get_frame(i);
console::write_line("High up the call stack, Method: {0}", sf.get_method());
console::write_line("High up the call stack, Line Number: {0}", sf.get_file_line_number());
// This code produces the following output :
// File: /!---OMITTED---!/stack_trace_simple
// Line Number: 24
// Method: stack_trace_sample::my_protected_method()
// File: /!---OMITTED---!/stack_trace_simple
// Line Number: 14
// Method: stack_trace_sample::my_public_method()
// File: /!---OMITTED---!/stack_trace_simple
// Line Number: 9
// Method: main
// File: /!---OMITTED---!/stack_trace_simple
// Line Number: 44
// High up the call stack, Method: main
// High up the call stack, Line Number: 0
Represents a stack trace, which is an ordered collection of one or more stack frames.
Definition stack_trace.h:40
const xtd::diagnostics::stack_frame & get_frame(size_t index) noexcept
Gets the specified stack frame.
The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state.
Definition system_exception.h:18
@ i
The I key.
The xtd::diagnostics namespace provides classes that allow you to interact with system processes,...
Definition assert_dialog_result.h:10
The xtd namespace contains all fundamental classes to access Hardware, Os, System,...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:10