xtd 0.2.0
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4#pragma once
5#include <xtd/enum>
8namespace xtd {
10 namespace forms {
74 enum class keys : long long {
76 none = 0x00000000,
78 lbutton = 0x00000001,
80 rbutton = 0x00000002,
82 cancel = 0x00000003,
84 mbutton = 0x00000004,
86 xbutton1 = 0x00000005,
88 xbutton2 = 0x00000006,
90 back = 0x00000008,
92 tab = 0x00000009,
94 line_feed = 0x0000000A,
96 clear = 0x0000000C,
98 enter = 0x0000000D,
100 ret = enter,
102 shift_key = 0x00000010,
104 control_key = 0x00000011,
106 menu = 0x00000012,
108 pause = 0x00000013,
110 caps_lock = 0x00000014,
112 capital = 0x00000014,
114 kana_mode = 0x00000015,
116 hanguel_mode = 0x00000015,
118 hangul_mode = 0x00000015,
120 junja_mode = 0x00000017,
122 final_mode = 0x00000018,
124 kanji_mode = 0x00000019,
126 hanja_mode = 0x00000019,
128 escape = 0x0000001B,
130 ime_convert = 0x0000001C,
132 ime_nonconvert = 0x0000001D,
134 ime_accept = 0x0000001E,
136 ime_mode_change = 0x0000001F,
138 space = 0x00000020,
140 page_up = 0x00000021,
142 prior = page_up,
144 page_down = 0x00000022,
146 next = page_down,
148 end = 0x00000023,
150 home = 0x00000024,
152 left = 0x00000025,
154 up = 0x00000026,
156 right = 0x00000027,
158 down = 0x00000028,
160 select = 0x00000029,
162 print = 0x0000002A,
164 execute = 0x0000002B,
166 print_screen = 0x0000002C,
170 insert = 0x0000002D,
172 del = 0x0000002E,
174 help = 0x0000002F,
176 d0 = 0x00000030,
178 d1 = 0x00000031,
180 d2 = 0x00000032,
182 d3 = 0x00000033,
184 d4 = 0x00000034,
186 d5 = 0x00000035,
188 d6 = 0x00000036,
190 d7 = 0x00000037,
192 d8 = 0x00000038,
194 d9 = 0x00000039,
196 a = 0x00000041,
198 b = 0x00000042,
200 c = 0x00000043,
202 d = 0x00000044,
204 e = 0x00000045,
206 f = 0x00000046,
208 g = 0x00000047,
210 h = 0x00000048,
212 i = 0x00000049,
214 j = 0x0000004A,
216 k = 0x0000004B,
218 l = 0x0000004C,
220 m = 0x0000004D,
222 n = 0x0000004E,
224 o = 0x0000004F,
226 p = 0x00000050,
228 q = 0x00000051,
230 r = 0x00000052,
232 s = 0x00000053,
234 t = 0x00000054,
236 u = 0x00000055,
238 v = 0x00000056,
240 w = 0x00000057,
242 x = 0x00000058,
244 y = 0x00000059,
246 z = 0x0000005A,
248 lwin = 0x0000005B,
250 rwin = 0x0000005C,
252 apps = 0x0000005D,
254 sleep = 0x0000005F,
256 num_pad0 = 0x00000060,
258 num_pad1 = 0x00000061,
260 num_pad2 = 0x00000062,
262 num_pad3 = 0x00000063,
264 num_pad4 = 0x00000064,
266 num_pad5 = 0x00000065,
268 num_pad6 = 0x00000066,
270 num_pad7 = 0x00000067,
272 num_pad8 = 0x00000068,
274 num_pad9 = 0x00000069,
276 multiply = 0x0000006A,
278 add = 0x0000006B,
280 separator = 0x0000006C,
282 subtract = 0x0000006D,
284 decimal = 0x0000006E,
286 divide = 0x0000006F,
288 f1 = 0x00000070,
290 f2 = 0x00000071,
292 f3 = 0x00000072,
294 f4 = 0x00000073,
296 f5 = 0x00000074,
298 f6 = 0x00000075,
300 f7 = 0x00000076,
302 f8 = 0x00000077,
304 f9 = 0x00000078,
306 f10 = 0x00000079,
308 f11 = 0x0000007A,
310 f12 = 0x0000007B,
312 f13 = 0x0000007C,
314 f14 = 0x0000007D,
316 f15 = 0x0000007E,
318 f16 = 0x0000007F,
320 f17 = 0x00000080,
322 f18 = 0x00000081,
324 f19 = 0x00000082,
326 f20 = 0x00000083,
328 f21 = 0x00000084,
330 f22 = 0x00000085,
332 f23 = 0x00000086,
334 f24 = 0x00000087,
336 num_lock = 0x00000090,
338 scroll = 0x00000091,
340 lshift_key = 0x000000A0,
342 rshift_key = 0x000000A1,
344 lcontrol_key = 0x000000A2,
346 rcontrol_key = 0x000000A3,
348 lmenu = 0x000000A4,
350 rmenu = 0x000000A5,
352 browser_back = 0x000000A6,
354 browser_forward = 0x000000A7,
356 browser_refresh = 0x000000A8,
358 browser_stop = 0x000000A9,
360 browser_search = 0x000000AA,
362 browser_favorites = 0x000000AB,
364 browser_home = 0x000000AC,
366 volume_mute = 0x000000AD,
368 volume_down = 0x000000AE,
370 volume_up = 0x000000AF,
372 media_next_track = 0x000000B0,
374 media_previous_track = 0x000000B1,
376 media_stop = 0x000000B2,
378 media_play_pause = 0x000000B3,
380 launch_mail = 0x000000B4,
382 select_media = 0x000000B5,
384 launch_application1 = 0x000000B6,
386 launch_application2 = 0x000000B7,
388 oem_semicolon = 0x000000BA,
392 oem_plus = 0x000000BB,
394 oem_comma = 0x000000BC,
396 oem_minus = 0x000000BD,
398 oem_period = 0x000000BE,
400 oem_question = 0x000000BF,
404 oem_tilde = 0x000000C0,
406 oem3 = oem_tilde,
408 oem_open_brackets = 0x000000DB,
412 oem_pipe = 0x000000DC,
414 oem5 = oem_pipe,
416 oem_close_brackets = 0x000000DD,
420 oem_quotes = 0x000000DE,
424 oem8 = 0x000000DF,
426 oem_backslash = 0x000000E2,
430 process_key = 0x000000E5,
432 packet = 0x000000E7,
434 attn = 0x000000F6,
436 crsel = 0x000000F7,
438 exsel = 0x000000F8,
440 erase_eof = 0x000000F9,
442 play = 0x000000FA,
444 zoom = 0x000000FB,
446 no_name = 0x000000FC,
448 pa1 = 0x000000FD,
450 oem_clear = 0x000000FE,
452 command_key = 0x00000100,
454 lcommand_key = 0x00000101,
456 rcommand_key = 0x00000102,
458 function_key = 0x00000104,
460 shift = 0x00010000,
462 control = 0x00020000,
464 alt = 0x00040000,
466 command = 0x00080000,
468 meta = 0x00100000,
470 function = 0x00200000,
472 key_code = 0x0000FFFF,
474 modifiers = 0xFFFF0000,
475 };
476 }
482template<> struct xtd::enum_register<xtd::forms::keys> {
483 explicit operator auto() const noexcept {return xtd::enum_collection<xtd::forms::keys> {{xtd::forms::keys::none, "none"}, {xtd::forms::keys::lbutton, "lbutton"}, {xtd::forms::keys::rbutton, "rbutton"}, {xtd::forms::keys::cancel, "cancel"}, {xtd::forms::keys::mbutton, "mbutton"}, {xtd::forms::keys::xbutton1, "xbutton1"}, {xtd::forms::keys::xbutton2, "xbutton2"}, {xtd::forms::keys::back, "back"}, {xtd::forms::keys::tab, "tab"}, {xtd::forms::keys::line_feed, "line_feed"}, {xtd::forms::keys::clear, "clear"}, /*{xtd::forms::keys::ret, "ret"},*/ {xtd::forms::keys::enter, "enter"}, {xtd::forms::keys::shift_key, "shift_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::control_key, "control_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::menu, "menu"}, {xtd::forms::keys::pause, "pause"}, {xtd::forms::keys::caps_lock, "caps_lock"}, /*{xtd::forms::keys::capital, "capital"},*/ {xtd::forms::keys::kana_mode, "kana_mode"}, /*{xtd::forms::keys::hanguel_mode, "hanguel_mode"}, {xtd::forms::keys::hangul_mode, "hangul_mode"},*/ {xtd::forms::keys::junja_mode, "junja_mode"}, {xtd::forms::keys::final_mode, "final_mode"}, {xtd::forms::keys::kanji_mode, "kanji_mode"}, /*{xtd::forms::keys::Hhnja_mode, "hanja_mode"},*/ {xtd::forms::keys::escape, "escape"}, {xtd::forms::keys::ime_convert, "ime_convert"}, {xtd::forms::keys::ime_nonconvert, "ime_nonconvert"}, {xtd::forms::keys::ime_mode_change, "ime_mode_change"}, {xtd::forms::keys::space, "space"}, {xtd::forms::keys::page_up, "page_up"}, /*{xtd::forms::keys::prior, "prior"},*/ {xtd::forms::keys::page_down, "page_down"}, /*{xtd::forms::keys::next, "Nnxt"},*/ {xtd::forms::keys::end, "end"}, {xtd::forms::keys::home, "home"}, {xtd::forms::keys::left, "left"}, {xtd::forms::keys::up, "up"}, {xtd::forms::keys::right, "right"}, {xtd::forms::keys::down, "down"}, {xtd::forms::keys::select, "select"}, {xtd::forms::keys::print, "print"}, {xtd::forms::keys::execute, "execute"}, {xtd::forms::keys::print_screen, "print_screen"}, /*{xtd::forms::keys::snapshot, "snapshot"},*/ {xtd::forms::keys::insert, "insert"}, {xtd::forms::keys::del, "del"}, {xtd::forms::keys::help, "help"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d0, "d0"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d1, "d1"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d2, "d2"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d3, "d3"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d4, "d4"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d5, "d5"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d6, "d6"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d7, "d7"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d8, "d8"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d9, "d9"}, {xtd::forms::keys::a, "a"}, {xtd::forms::keys::b, "b"}, {xtd::forms::keys::c, "c"}, {xtd::forms::keys::d, "d"}, {xtd::forms::keys::e, "e"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f, "f"}, {xtd::forms::keys::g, "g"}, {xtd::forms::keys::h, "h"}, {xtd::forms::keys::i, "i"}, {xtd::forms::keys::j, "j"}, {xtd::forms::keys::k, "k"}, {xtd::forms::keys::l, "l"}, {xtd::forms::keys::m, "m"}, {xtd::forms::keys::n, "n"}, {xtd::forms::keys::o, "o"}, {xtd::forms::keys::p, "p"}, {xtd::forms::keys::q, "q"}, {xtd::forms::keys::r, "r"}, {xtd::forms::keys::s, "s"}, {xtd::forms::keys::t, "t"}, {xtd::forms::keys::u, "u"}, {xtd::forms::keys::v, "v"}, {xtd::forms::keys::w, "w"}, {xtd::forms::keys::x, "x"}, {xtd::forms::keys::y, "y"}, {xtd::forms::keys::z, "z"}, {xtd::forms::keys::lwin, "lwin"}, {xtd::forms::keys::rwin, "rwin"}, {xtd::forms::keys::apps, "apps"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad0, "num_pad0"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad1, "num_pad1"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad2, "num_pad2"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad3, "num_pad3"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad4, "num_pad4"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad5, "num_pad5"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad6, "num_pad6"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad7, "num_pad7"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad8, "num_pad8"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_pad9, "num_pad9"}, {xtd::forms::keys::multiply, "multiply"}, {xtd::forms::keys::add, "add"}, {xtd::forms::keys::separator, "separator"}, {xtd::forms::keys::subtract, "subtract"}, {xtd::forms::keys::decimal, "decimal"}, {xtd::forms::keys::divide, "divide"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f1, "f1"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f2, "f2"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f3, "f3"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f4, "f4"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f5, "f5"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f6, "f6"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f7, "f7"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f8, "f8"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f9, "f9"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f10, "f10"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f11, "f11"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f12, "f12"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f13, "f13"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f14, "f14"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f15, "f15"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f16, "f16"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f17, "f17"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f18, "f18"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f19, "f19"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f20, "f20"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f21, "f21"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f22, "f22"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f23, "f23"}, {xtd::forms::keys::f24, "f24"}, {xtd::forms::keys::num_lock, "num_lock"}, {xtd::forms::keys::scroll, "scroll"}, {xtd::forms::keys::lshift_key, "lshift_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::rshift_key, "rshift_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::lcontrol_key, "lcontrol_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::rcontrol_key, "rcontrol_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::lmenu, "lmenu"}, {xtd::forms::keys::rmenu, "rmenu"}, {xtd::forms::keys::browser_back, "browser_back"}, {xtd::forms::keys::browser_favorites, "browser_favorites"}, {xtd::forms::keys::browser_forward, "browser_forward"}, {xtd::forms::keys::browser_refresh, "browser_refresh"}, {xtd::forms::keys::browser_search, "browser_search"}, {xtd::forms::keys::browser_stop, "browser_stop"}, {xtd::forms::keys::browser_home, "browser_home"}, {xtd::forms::keys::volume_mute, "volume_mute"}, {xtd::forms::keys::volume_down, "volume_down"}, {xtd::forms::keys::volume_up, "volume_up"}, {xtd::forms::keys::media_next_track, "media_next_track"}, {xtd::forms::keys::media_play_pause, "media_play_pause"}, {xtd::forms::keys::media_previous_track, "media_previous_track"}, {xtd::forms::keys::media_stop, "media_stop"}, {xtd::forms::keys::launch_mail, "launch_mail"}, {xtd::forms::keys::select_media, "select_media"}, {xtd::forms::keys::launch_application1, "launch_application1"}, {xtd::forms::keys::launch_application2, "launch_application2"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_plus, "oem_plus"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_comma, "oem_comma"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_minus, "oem_minus"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_period, "oem_period"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_question, "oem_question"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_tilde, "oem_tilde"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_open_brackets, "oem_open_brackets"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_pipe, "oem_pipe"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_close_brackets, "oem_close_brackets"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_quotes, "oem_quotes"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem8, "oem8"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_backslash, "oem_backslash"}, {xtd::forms::keys::process_key, "process_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::attn, "attn"}, {xtd::forms::keys::crsel, "crsel"}, {xtd::forms::keys::exsel, "exsel"}, {xtd::forms::keys::erase_eof, "erase_eof"}, {xtd::forms::keys::play, "play"}, {xtd::forms::keys::zoom, "zoom"}, {xtd::forms::keys::no_name, "no_name"}, {xtd::forms::keys::pa1, "pa1"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem_clear, "oem_clear"}, {xtd::forms::keys::key_code, "key_code"}, {xtd::forms::keys::shift, "shift"}, {xtd::forms::keys::control, "control"}, {xtd::forms::keys::alt, "alt"}, {xtd::forms::keys::command, "command"}, {xtd::forms::keys::meta, "meta"}, {xtd::forms::keys::function, "function"}, {xtd::forms::keys::modifiers, "modifiers"}, {xtd::forms::keys::ime_accept, "ime_accept"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem1, "oem1"}, /*{xtd::forms::keys::oem102, "oem102"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem2, "oem2"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem3, "oem3"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem4, "oem4"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem5, "oem5"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem6, "oem6"}, {xtd::forms::keys::oem7, "oem7"},*/ {xtd::forms::keys::packet, "packet"}, {xtd::forms::keys::sleep, "sleep"}, {xtd::forms::keys::command_key, "command_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::lcommand_key, "lcommand_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::rcommand_key, "rcommand_key"}, {xtd::forms::keys::function_key, "function_key"}};}
Defines the base class for controls, which are components with visual representation.
Definition control.h:79
Represents the base functionality for all menus. Although tool_strip_drop_down and tool_strip_drop_do...
Definition menu.h:35
#define flags_attribute_(namespace_name, enum_type)
Provides the set attribute struct for enumerations helper.
Definition flags_attribute.h:34
long double decimal
Represents a decimal-precision floating-point number.
Definition types.h:98
std::vector< std::pair< enum_t, xtd::ustring > > enum_collection
Represents a pair of an enum_t value and a string of an enum of type enum_t.
Definition enum_collection.h:19
Specifies key codes and modifiers.
Definition keys.h:74
@ oem_open_brackets
The OEM open bracket key on a US standard keyboard.
@ clear
The CLEAR key.
@ s
The S key.
@ mbutton
The middle mouse button (three-button mouse).
@ volume_mute
The volume mute key.
@ no_name
A constant reserved for future use.
@ scroll
@ line_feed
@ browser_home
The browser home key.
@ browser_back
The browser back key.
@ a
The A key.
@ multiply
The multiply key.
@ hangul_mode
The IME Hangul mode key.
@ home
The HOME key.
@ cancel
The CANCEL key.
@ rcontrol_key
The right CTRL key.
@ f14
The F14 key.
@ d0
The 0 key.
@ zoom
The ZOOM key.
@ num_lock
The NUM LOCK key.
@ f3
The F3 key.
@ f22
The F22 key.
@ rcommand_key
The right CMD key.
@ function_key
@ launch_application2
The start application two key.
@ num_pad6
The 6 key on the numeric keypad.
@ command
The CMD modifier key.
@ ime_mode_change
The IME mode change key.
@ h
The H key.
@ media_previous_track
The media previous track key.
@ oem_pipe
The OEM pipe key on a US standard keyboard.
@ browser_favorites
The browser favorites key.
@ capital
The CAPS LOCK key.
@ lcontrol_key
The left CTRL key.
@ browser_search
The browser search key.
@ shift
The SHIFt modifier key.
@ hanguel_mode
The IME Hanguel mode key. (maintained for compatibility; use HangulMode)
@ oem7
The OEM 7 key.
@ hanja_mode
The IME Hanja mode key.
@ ret
The RETURN key.
@ l
The L key.
@ none
No key pressed.
@ num_pad2
The 2 key on the numeric keypad.
@ alt
The ALT modifier key.
@ add
The add key.
@ j
The J key.
@ f2
The F2 key.
@ f20
The F20 key.
@ key_code
The bitmask to extract a key code from a key value.
@ attn
The ATTN key.
@ y
The Y key.
@ browser_refresh
The browser refresh key.
@ num_pad4
The 4 key on the numeric keypad.
@ d6
The 6 key.
@ back
The BACK key.
@ up
The UP key.
@ oem4
The OEM 4 key.
@ c
The C key.
@ r
The R key.
@ junja_mode
The IME Junja mode key.
@ oem3
The OEM 3 key.
@ exsel
The EXSEL key.
@ oem_backslash
The OEM angle bracket or backslash key on the RT 102 key keyboard.
@ launch_application1
The start application one key.
@ command_key
The CMD key.
@ erase_eof
The ERASE EOF key.
@ volume_down
The volume down key.
@ caps_lock
The CAPS LOCK key.
@ f8
The F8 key.
@ crsel
The CRSEL key.
@ print_screen
@ f19
The F19 key.
@ oem_question
The OEM question mark key on a US standard keyboard.
@ oem_period
The OEM period key on any country/region keyboard.
@ f6
The F6 key.
@ f9
The F9 key.
@ kanji_mode
The IME Kanji mode key.
@ help
The HELP key.
@ num_pad8
The 8 key on the numeric keypad.
@ num_pad7
The 7 key on the numeric keypad.
@ f7
The F7 key.
@ f4
The F4 key.
@ m
The M key.
@ f5
The F5 key.
@ down
The DOWN key.
@ num_pad5
The 5 key on the numeric keypad.
@ q
The Q key.
@ num_pad9
The 9 key on the numeric keypad.
@ lmenu
The left ALT key.
@ u
The U key.
@ ime_convert
The IME convert key.
@ n
The N key.
@ num_pad3
The 3 key on the numeric keypad.
@ right
The RIGHT key.
@ oem_quotes
The OEM singled/double quote key on a US standard keyboard.
@ oem_semicolon
The OEM Semicolon key on a US standard keyboard.
@ shift_key
The SHIFT key.
@ oem2
The OEM 2 key.
@ end
The END key.
@ f12
The F12 key.
@ left
The LEFT key.
@ d
The D key.
@ f10
The F10 key.
@ p
The P key.
@ d8
The 8 key.
@ i
The I key.
@ d9
The 9 key.
@ f13
The F13 key.
@ media_stop
The media stop key.
@ k
The K key.
@ menu
The ALT key.
@ f23
The F23 key.
@ rshift_key
The right SHIFT key.
@ f
The F key.
@ b
The B key.
@ divide
The divide key.
@ subtract
The subtract key.
@ pa1
The PA1 key.
@ d1
The 1 key.
@ select
The SELECT key.
@ volume_up
The volume up key.
@ apps
The application key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
@ oem_minus
The OEM minus key on any country/region keyboard.
@ packet
Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The Packet key value is the low word of a...
@ x
The X key.
@ v
The V key.
@ separator
The separator key.
@ f16
The F16 key.
@ process_key
@ media_next_track
The media next track key.
@ play
The PLAY key.
@ browser_stop
The browser stop key.
@ rwin
The right Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
@ final_mode
The IME Final mode key.
@ oem8
The OEM 8 key.
@ oem_tilde
The OEM tilde key on a US standard keyboard.
@ d4
The 4 key.
@ d2
The 2 key.
@ g
The G key.
@ launch_mail
The launch mail key.
@ num_pad0
The 0 key on the numeric keypad.
@ oem_clear
The CLEAR key.
@ lshift_key
The left SHIFT key.
@ control_key
The CTRL key.
@ d5
The 5 key.
@ f1
The F1 key.
@ decimal
The decimal key.
@ modifiers
The bitmask to extract modifiers from a key value.
@ lbutton
The left mouse button.
@ rmenu
The right ALT key.
@ function
The FUNCTION modifier key.
@ snapshot
@ oem_comma
The OEM comma key on any country/region keyboard.
@ media_play_pause
The media play pause key.
@ sleep
The computer sleep key.
@ oem_close_brackets
The OEM close bracket key on a US standard keyboard.
@ next
The PAGE DOWN key.
@ select_media
The select media key.
@ lcommand_key
The left CMD key.
@ del
The DEL key.
@ f15
The F15 key.
@ oem6
The OEM 6 key.
@ ime_accept
The IME accept key.
@ f18
The F18 key.
@ page_down
The PAGE DOWN key.
@ o
The O key.
@ prior
The PAGE UP key.
@ rbutton
The right mouse button.
@ xbutton1
The first x mouse button (five-button mouse).
@ oem1
The OEM 1 key.
@ insert
The INSERT key.
@ escape
The ESC key.
@ e
The E key.
@ num_pad1
The 1 key on the numeric keypad.
@ enter
The ENTER key.
@ t
The T key.
@ oem_plus
The OEM plus key on any country/region keyboard.
@ d3
The 3 key.
@ tab
The TAB key.
@ ime_nonconvert
The IME nonconvert key.
@ browser_forward
The browser forward key.
@ meta
The METTA modifier key.
@ execute
The EXECUTE key.
@ pause
The PAUSE key.
@ oem102
The OEM 102 key.
@ w
The W key.
@ f11
The F11 key.
@ print
The PRINT key.
@ lwin
The left Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
@ kana_mode
The IME Kana mode key.
@ page_up
The PAGE UP key.
@ xbutton2
The second x mouse button (five-button mouse).
@ d7
The 7 key.
@ oem5
The OEM 5 key.
@ z
The Z key.
@ control
The CTRL modifier key.
@ f21
The F21 key.
@ f17
The F17 key.
@ space
@ f24
The F24 key.
@ y
Specifies that the top edge of the control is defined.
@ x
Specifies that the left edge of the control is defined.
@ zoom
The image is enlarged within the control's client rectangle.
@ cancel
The dialog box return value is Cancel (usually sent from a button labeled Cancel).
@ right
Bind control edges to the right of its container.
@ left
Bind control edges to the left of its container.
@ up
Arranges vertically, from bottom to top.
@ down
Arranges vertically, from top to bottom.
The xtd::forms namespace contains classes for creating Windows-based applications that take full adva...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:12
The xtd namespace contains all fundamental classes to access Hardware, Os, System,...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:10
Provides the registration struct for enumerations.
Definition enum_register.h:36