xtd 0.2.0
No Matches

Shows how to use xtd::exception exception.

#include <xtd/console>
#include <xtd/exception>
using namespace xtd;
using namespace xtd::diagnostics;
namespace user_defined_exception {
class employee_list_not_found_exception : public exception {
employee_list_not_found_exception(const stack_frame& sf = stack_frame::current()) : exception {"The employee list does not exist."_t, sf} {
employee_list_not_found_exception(const string& message, const stack_frame& sf = stack_frame::current()) : exception {message, sf} {
template<typename exception_t>
employee_list_not_found_exception(const string& message, const exception_t& inner, const stack_frame& sf = stack_frame::current()) : exception {message, inner, sf} {
auto main() -> int {
try {
throw user_defined_exception::employee_list_not_found_exception {};
} catch(const exception& e) {
console::write_line("type = {}", e.get_type());
console::write_line("help_link = {}", e.help_link());
console::write_line("h_result = 0x{0:X8} ({0})", static_cast<uint>(e.h_result()));
console::write_line("inner_exception = {}", e.inner_exception());
console::write_line("message = {}", e.message());
console::write_line("source = {}", e.source());
console::write_line("stack_trace = {}", e.stack_trace());
// This code can produce the following output :
// type = user_defined_exception::employee_list_not_found_exception
// help_link =
// h_result = 0x80131500 (2148734208)
// inner_exception = (null)
// message = The employee list does not exist.
// source = user_defined_exception
// stack_trace = at main [0x0000665C] in /!---OMITTED---!/user_defined_exception/src/user_defined_exception.cpp:line 24
Provides information about a xtd::diagnostics::stack_frame, which represents a function call on the c...
Definition stack_frame.h:47
Defines the base class for predefined exceptions in the xtd namespace.
Definition exception.h:28
@ e
The E key.
The xtd::diagnostics namespace provides classes that allow you to interact with system processes,...
Definition assert_dialog_result.h:10
The xtd namespace contains all fundamental classes to access Hardware, Os, System,...
Definition xtd_about_box.h:10